Assessing The Prevalence Of Occupational Injury In Standard And Shift Work Among Textile And Garment Workers In Adama Ethiopia.

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Background: Occupational accidents and work-related diseases have a major impact onrnindividuals and their families, not only in economic terms, but also in terms of their physical andrnemotional wellbeing in the short- and long-term. Furthermore, they can have major effects onrnenterprises, affecting productivity, leading to potential disruptions of production processes,rnhampering competitiveness and impacting on the economy and society more widely. However,rndifferent studies have been conducted on prevalence and associated factors of injury, but thernprevalence of injury during standard and work shift is not separately reflected in any of thernstudies. While, Adama is one of the industry zone in the country but no study conducted onrnoccupational injury in textile factories.rnObjective: The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of injury occurred in standard andrnShift work pattern among textile and garment workers in Adama Oromia.rnMethods: Institution based comparative cross-sectional study design applied in three textilernand garment factories from February 2020 to January 2021. A total of 588 (294 rotational shiftrnand 294 regular day workers) were participated. Structured questioner and observation checklistrnwere used to collect the data. Data entered with Epi data version 3.1 and was analyzed usingrnSPSS version 25. Significance of association determined by p- value < 0.05 and adjusted Oddsrnratio with 95 % CI.rnResult: The prevalence of occupational injury among rotational shift workers is higher (316 perrn1000) than regular day workers (201 per 1000). The difference in prevalence is significant (Xrn=10.257; P

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Assessing The Prevalence Of Occupational Injury In Standard And Shift Work Among Textile And Garment Workers In Adama Ethiopia.