Assessment Of Youth Sexual And Reproductive Health Service Utilization And Associated Factors Among High School Students In Bole Sub City Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Worldwide there are 1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24 years which account 16 per centrnof the global population. Youth are often considered as the healthiest stages of life, but they are also atrncritical periods which young people are faced with a unique set of threats to their health and survival and atrnrisk of unsafe abortion, unintended pregnancy, unmet need of family planning and STIs includingrnHIV/AIDS.rnObjective: To assess youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Utilization and Associated Factorsrnamong high school youth students in Bole Sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2020.rnMethods: Cross sectional study design method was conducted from November to March, 2021 in Bole SubrnCity high schools. Stratified multi stage sampling technique was applied to select the 534 study participantsrnbased on the type of school. Quantitative data obtained from each respondent were entered into epidata 3.1rnversions and then export to SPSS version 20 for the analysis. The degree of association between dependentrnand independent variables was assessed using bivariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis.rnVariables with p value of less than 0.05 were considered as significant.rnResults :Sexual and reproductive health service utilization among youth secondary school students in Bolernsub city found to be low(33.5%) and the odds of youths who had SRH services in their residential area werern3.3 times more likely to utilize SRH service as compare to those who didn’t had SRH services in their arearn(AOR=3.3, 95%CI, (1.9, 5.8)). Similarly,the odds of Youths who heard information about SRH services rnwere 3.2 times more likely to utilize SRH service than those not heard about SRH services (AOR= 3.2,rn95%CI (1.8,5.7). rnConclusion: This study indicated that providing information about SRH services ,insuring privacy andrnconfidentiality during service delivery ,respect full care , availing school clinic and SRH services in theirrnresidential area is needed to increase SRH service utilization among youths.

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Assessment Of Youth Sexual And Reproductive Health Service Utilization And Associated Factors Among High School Students In  Bole Sub City Addis Ababa Ethiopia