Welding Fume Exposure And Prevalence Of Chronic Respiratory Symptoms Among Micro And Small-scale Enterprise Metal And Office Work In Akaki Kality Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Comparative Cross-sectional Study

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Abstract rnBackground: Exposure to welding fume can lead to different respiratory health disordersrnincluding lung cancer due to long term exposures. In Ethiopia there are no investigationsrnconducted on the level of personal welding fume dust exposure and prevalence of chronicrnrespiratory symptoms. rnObjectives: This study aims at assessing chronic respiratory illness, associated factors, and thernmetal fume concentration among micro and small-scale enterprise metal workers and micro andrnsmall scale and office workers in Akaki Kality, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethods: A Comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on a total of 226 metal workersrnand 217 office workers. Subjects were selected using stratified sampling methods and thernestablishments were selected by using systematic random sampling technique. The respiratoryrnsymptoms were collected using structured questionnaire adapted from American thoracic societyrnand observational checklists were used to assess respiratory protective equipment, work placernventilation and welding sites. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 23.rnMultivariate analysis was conducted to check the association between dependent andrnindependent variables with p=

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Welding Fume Exposure And Prevalence Of Chronic Respiratory Symptoms Among Micro And Small-scale Enterprise Metal And Office Work In Akaki Kality Addis  Ababa Ethiopia A Comparative Cross-sectional Study