Chronic Respiratory Symptoms And Associated Factors Among Fruit And Vegetable Workers In Addis Ababa Ethiopia Comparative Cross Sectional Study.

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Background: Fruit And Vegetable Market is an abundant source of bio- aerosols as fruits and rnvegetables are in and out in the daily basis. Thus, regular workers are exposed to these bioaerosolsrnforrnarnsignificantrnperiodrnofrntimerndependingrnon theirrnworkrntimetable.rnExposurerntornorganicrnrnandrninorganicrnwasternandrnlongrntermrninhalationrnofrnbio-aerosolsrnduringrnworkingrnhoursrnmayrnbernrnassociatedrnwithrnincreasesrnin chronicrnrespiratoryrnhealthrnsymptomsrnamongrngreenrngrocers.rnrnrnObjective: The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of chronicrnrespiratory symptoms and related factors of fruit and vegetable workers compared with the rncontrol, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethods and materials: Comparative cross sectional study was carried out from Sep 2020–Julyrn2021.A total of 314 (156 fruit and vegetable workers and 158 office workers were participated in the rnstudy. Chronic respiratory symptoms were assessed by interview method using questionnaire adaptedrnfrom the British Medical Research Council‟s. Then data was first entered a using Ep info version 7.1.rnThen data were smoothed, edited using SPSS version 24 software. Multiple linear regressions, bivariaternlogistic regressions and Multivariable logistic regression were computed to depict the data and related rnfactors. Also culture method was done to count and compare bacterial and fungal concentrationsrnbetween fruit and vegetable workers and office workers. rnResults: In this study the prevalence ratio of overall chronic respiratory symptoms (PR = 2.87, 95% CI:rn1.772-4.66) was significantly higher fruit and vegetable workers (46.7%) compared to controls (23.4%). rnAnd also the bivariate and multivariable logistic regression score showed that sex, (AOR = 2.11,rn95% CI = 1.12-3.98) educational status, (AOR = 1.34, 95% CI = 0.78-2.32), Working hours perrnday (AOR = 3.91, 95% CI = 1.586-9.65), working department (AOR = 3.20, 95% CI = 0.9011.40)rnwerernassociatedrnwithrnchronicrnrespiratoryrnsymptoms.rnAndrnanrnaveragernBacterialrnand Fungalrnrnconcentration was also found to be significantly higher in the air of vegetable market (276rnColony Forming Unit) as compared to air in the workplace of controls (7 Colony Forming Unit).rnSimilarly vegetable markets have higher number of fungal concentration than that of therncontrols. I.e. (too numerous to Count) versus nil respectively. rnConclusion: The fruit and vegetable market workers (green grocers) had a higher prevalencernof chronic respiratory symptoms relative to office workers. So that, respiratory protective devices rnshould be given to deliver preventive measures.

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Chronic Respiratory Symptoms And Associated Factors Among Fruit And Vegetable Workers In Addis Ababa Ethiopia Comparative Cross Sectional Study.