Alcohol Use Prevalence And Associated Factors Among Secondary And Preparatory School Students In Mehal Meda North Shoa Zone Ethiopia

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Back ground: Alcohol is one of the most psychoactive substances used by adolescent and youth.rnAlcohol use above the standard level and even if in the standard level leading differentrnadolescent and young population public health problem. More than 200 health problem can occurrndue to alcohol use. Adolescence and youth age group are the most active population for decisionrnmaking and begin alcohol use early. This study was conducted to address how much of thernschool age population use alcohol and what are the risk factor that leads to use alcohol in thisrnstudy area.rnObjectives: Objective of this study was to assess alcohol use prevalence and its associatedrnfactors that lead to use alcohol among secondary and preparatory school students in Mehal Medarn2019/20.rnMethods: School based cross-sectional study design method was used among secondary andrnpreparatory school student in MehalMeda, Ethiopia. 437 individuals were selected from a total ofrn9000 by making stratified by grade 9-10 and 11-12 and then further stratified each grade andrnlastly use simple random sampling to select the participant from each section from each grade.rnStructured self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data after using pre-test. Epi-Infornversion 7 was used to enter data and SPSS version 23 software was used to analyze data.rnResult: A total of 437 high school and preparatory school students were included in the study.rnAmong those 253(57.9%)participants were male. 137(31.4%[27.05%-35.75%]) studyrnparticipants were alcohol users. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that age fromrn19-22 years had association with alcohol use prevalence by odd ratio 3.01[1.01-44.2] .rnConclusion: Relatively high alcohol users were found in high school and preparatory schoolrnstudents. There is a need for collaborated effort to reduce alcohol use prevalence like in schoolrnawareness creation in drama form, by forming different club, parent follow student and givernadvice and woreda education bureau by fencing the school, follow up the school teacher andrnexchange information about the status of the students.

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Alcohol Use Prevalence And Associated Factors Among Secondary And Preparatory School Students In Mehal Meda North Shoa Zone Ethiopia