Background: Food prepared in large quantities are liable to contamination & to the rise of food-bornerndiseases. Currently eating & drinking in mass catering establishments is likely to be common. rnObjectives: The objective of this study was to assess the sanitary practice of public food and drinkingrnestablishments and determine associated factors in Yeka Sub-City Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethods: A cross-sectional study was carried out between July 2020 and Oct 2020. 409 participantsrn(food and drinking establishments) with a 100% response rate were included for this study. Trainedrnsanitarians collected data using structured, pre-tested questionnaires & observation checklists. Data wasrnentered using Epi-data and data analysis was done using SPSS (version 25). Bivariable and Multivariablernlogistic regression analyses were conducted to determine associations between pertinent variables. Pvaluern