Exposure To Sexually Explicit Materials And Its Association With Age At First Sex Among Youth In Preparatory School Of Adama Ethiopia.

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Background:In Ethiopia evidence shows that the median age at first sexual debut among inrnschool youth is below 18 years and majority of them start sexual intercourse early and beforernmarriage. Early sexual intercourse increases risk of sexual and reproductive health problemsrncommonly, sexually transmitted infections (STI) including HIV/AIDS and risk of teenager’srnpregnancy and its consequence.One of the major factors for the present-day youth andrnadolescents’ sexual behaviors is exposure to sexually explicit material. Sexually explicitrnmaterials are textual, visual, or aural materials that depict sexual behaviors or acts or that exposernthe reproductive organs of the human body. It includes erotic and pornographic materials, whichrnget released through print media, video films, Internet, and music videos.rnObjectives:To assess exposure to sexually explicit materials and its association with age at firstrnsex among youth in preparatory schoolofAdama, Ethiopia.rnMethods:A cross sectional study design using both quantitative and qualitative approaches wasrnconducted in Adama town from December 07,2020 to December 10,2020 among six hundredrnfour (604)randomly selectedpreparatory school students. Pre-tested, self-administered structuredrnquestionnaire and in-depth interview were a method for data collection. Bivariate andrnmultivariable logistic regression analysis was done to evaluate the degree of association betweenrnassociated factors and the outcome variables.For the qualitative approch the data was analyzedrnby thematic analysis.rnResult:358(59.4%)students were exposed or ever watched sexually explicit materialsandrnmajority of them 246(70.3%)were exposed first to this material in their early age (11-15 years ofrnage). The over all proportion of sexual initiation was 127(21.1%) and the median age at first sexrnwas 17.00 years. This study found that, age at first sex havesiginificantlly associated withrnexposure to sexually explicit materialsand those who had exposed to sexually explicit materialsrnmore likely to start sex early (AOR= 7.55, 95%CI: 1.47-38.75) than those who were notrnexposed.rnConclusion: Currentlly significant number of in school youth consumesexually explicitrnmaterials widely and being exposed to sexually explicit materials in early age affects age at firstrnsex.

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Exposure To Sexually Explicit Materials And Its Association With Age At First Sex Among Youth In Preparatory School Of Adama Ethiopia.