Practice Of Ergonomic Principles To Prevent Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder And Associated Factors Among Health Care Workers In Public Hospitals Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Background: -Healthcare providers are at risk of Work-related musculoskeletal disorders rnincluding low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and results in discomfort, inability to performrntasks properly, and affects the quality of life and reduces productivity. Practice of ergonomicsrnprinciple to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorder among healthcare providers is not wellrnstudied in Ethiopia. rnObjective:-This study aimed to assess the Practice of ergonomics principle to prevent work-relatedrnmusculoskeletal disorder among healthcare providers in public hospitals. rnMethods:-Institutional-based Cross-sectional study design was conduct among 422 selectedrnhealth workers from February- April/2020 in three selected public hospitals found in AA CityrnAdministration. Participants were selected by using systematic random sampling techniques. Arnsemi-structured self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were entered tornEPIdata 3.1 and exported to SPSS 20 for further analysis. Descriptive statistic was used tornsummarize knowledge, attitude and practice and also ordinal logistic regression was applied torntest significant association. rnResult: -A response rate of this study was 94%. 239 (60.2%) of the respondents were female andrn224(56.4%) of them were single in marital status. 262(66%) of study respondents had a fairrnknowledge level regarding WRMSDs preventions and occurrence. And again 254(64%) of thernrespondents had a poor attitude toward WRMSDs. Only 9(2.3%) of the respondents were practicingrnof ergonomic principles while at work. The level of knowledge was significantly associated withrnpractices of ergonomics principles. Practices of ergonomics principles was significantly associated rnwith sex of respondents, number of working days per week, number of working hours per day were rnsignificantly associated with level of practice at p-value

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Practice Of Ergonomic Principles To Prevent Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder And Associated Factors Among Health Care Workers In Public Hospitals Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia.