Ferrous Sulphate And Folic Acid Consumption Among Pregnant Women In Yeka Sub-city.

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ABSTRACT rn Background: Ferrous sulphate and folic acid deficiency is a serious public health problem in thernworld including Ethiopia. Lack of ferrous sulphate and folic acid causes severe anemia and birthrndefects (hydrocephalus, spinal bifida) respectively. Considering these nutrients deficiencies healthrnconsequence on women and newborn health, both nutrients are recommended to prevent thernadverse maternal and perinatal outcomes; however, Women consumption of both nutrients duringrnpregnancy is not well estimated/described in the study setting. Therefore, the objective of thisrnstudy was to assess the magnitude of ferrous sulphate and folic acid consumption and associatedrnfactors during Pregnancy in public health center of Yeka sub city.rn Objective: To assess the magnitude of ferrous sulphate and folic acid consumption and associatedrnfactors during Pregnancy in public health center of Yeka sub city.rnMethods: A facility based cross sectional study was conducted from August 2020 to October 2020rnin health centers providing antenatal care services in Yeka sub city, Addis Ababa. Data wererncollected from sample of 619 fourth visit pregnant women through interviewer-administeredrnstructured questioners. Respondents were selected by systematic sampling method. Descriptivernstatistics like frequency, table and graph were used to describe the data. In bivariate regressionrnanalysis crude odds ratio was calculated to evaluate the association between a single independentrnvariable and the dependent variable. In multivariable regression analysis adjusted odd ratio wasrnused to determine the presence of statically significant association at 95% CI between thernexplanatory variables and outcome variable.rnResults: A Total of 595 of pregnant women participated in the study. The result showed thatrn59.8% of pregnant women have taken iron and folic acid supplement for 90 days and above duringrnpregnancy. Access to health center within short distance (AOR=1.868, 95%CI: 1.223-2.852),rnhaving first ANC visit before 16 weeks of gestational age (AOR=3.155, 95%CI: 2.061-4.828) andrnside effect of iron and folic acid (AOR=2.505, 95%CI: 1.159-5.415) were significantly associatedrnwith iron and folic acid utilization for the recommended 90 days and above. rnConclusion: Access to health facility, ANC visit before 16 wks gestation, and side effect werernassociated with iron and folic acid utilization for the recommended 90 and above days.

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Ferrous Sulphate And Folic Acid Consumption Among Pregnant Women In Yeka Sub-city.