Introduction: Hypertension remains as one of the most important public health challenge worldwidernbecause of the associated morbidity, mortality, and the cost to the society.rn1rn It became a significant problemrnin many developing countries experiencing epidemiological transitionrn2rnPatient’s knowledge and practice ofrnlife style modification play important roles in control hypertension. rnObjective: The objective of this study is to assess the Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and factors associatedrnwith life style modification among hypertensive patients attending Tikur anbessa specialized hospitalrnoutpatient department. rnMethodology: Cross sectional study was conducted in Tikur anbessa specialized hospital Renal andrnCardiac follow up clinics . A total of 385 patients were planned to be included in this study but 370rnhypertensive patient were enrolled in . Data was collected using a consecutive sampling technique duringrnthe study period with pretested, structured and interviewer guided questionnaire. Data quality wasrncontrolled through supervision of data collectors who were fifth year medical students. Data entry andrnanalysis procedure was done using SPSS version 26 statistical packages. A P-value < 0.05 was consideredrnto be statistically significant in all cases. rnResults: .A total of 370 participants were included in this study;53.8% were females with a mean age ofrn59.93(±12) and 86.2% of the participants have comorbidities. poor knowledge of 40% and poor practice ofrn35%.among the poor knowledge group females are the majority. rnConclusion and recommendation: This study showed there is still poor level of awareness and practice ofrnlife style modification among a representative sample of adult hypertensive. rnSo Correct measures need to be taken from the time of diagnosis, especially at clinics where follow up takesrnplace and the level of understanding by patients should be assessed.