Exposure Assessment To Indoor Smoke Pollution In A Rural Ethiopia

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Very little effort has been made in Ethiopia to assess therneffect of indoor air pollution at a community level. The aim of thernstudy was to assess exposure to indoor air pollution at a householdrnlevel and f ind out the feasibility of using questionnaire inrndetermining exposure level for indoor air pollution . Crosssectionalrnstudy design was utilized . Data were collected usingrnstructured questionnaire , in-depth interview with key informantsrnand child movement recording . Data entry and analysis was donernusing Epi Info version 6 statistical software . A total of 600rnhouseholds f rom the three study areas (rural high land , ruralrnlowland and t own)were assessed . Three hundred thirty four(55 . 7%)ofrnthe households had high exposure level to indoor smoke . Ruralrnhouseholds were less likely to have adequate smoke clearancerncompared to urban households (OR=O . 3 ; 95% CI=O . 16 , 0 . 54) . Beingrnmuslem, mar ri ed , Mother illiterate and and low economic statusrnwere less likely to be in the low exposure status with adjustedrnOR(95%CI) of 2 . 24(1.39 , 3 . 54) , 0 . 41(0 . 18 , 0 . 82) , 0 . 36(0 . 2 , 0 . 66)andrn0 . 34(0 . 22 , O . ~4) , respectively . The main source of i ndoor Hlnoke wa srnbiomass fuel used by 98 . 5% for cooking and 29 . 6% for heating . Thernmajority (94.9%) were using open type of stove wi thout flue orrnchimney . The median (SO) of exposure time by the interview andrnobservation was found to be 180(202) and 125(148) minutes ,rnrespecti vely. From this we conclude and recommend that biomassrnfuels are the principal sources for the indoor smoke , the poorrnsocio- demographic and environmental factors e xpos e children t ornindoor smoke and collecting information about exposure time ofrnunder f ive c h ildren using interview and observation methods has nornstatistically significant difference . Using cleaner fuels ,rnimproving social , e conomic , cultural and envi ronmental conditionsrncould improve the exposure level to indoor smoke .

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Exposure Assessment To Indoor Smoke Pollution In A Rural Ethiopia