Magnitude And Determinants Of Bottle Feeding In A Peri-urban Community

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A descriptive cross-sectional sur vey was conductedrnin Butajira Woreda , south western Ethiopia, fo r a periodrnof two months to determine the extent of bottle use inrnchild feeding, fact ors associated with its use and therntime of introduction of supplementary f eeding . A t otalrnof 1536 households with children 0-23 months werernincluded in the study. The study found out the overallrnprevalence of bottle feeding to be 11.3% and thernprevalence among children on suppl ementary feeding to bern16.7%. Only 6.3% of the bottle fed children were onrnbottle alone . Residence, maternal education andrnoccupation were significantly associated with thernpractice of bottle feeding in the crude analysis andrnafter adjusting for parental and child characteristics (Prn

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Magnitude And Determinants Of Bottle Feeding In A Peri-urban Community