The Perception Ofsocio--economic And Demographic Causes Of Deforestation And Its Consequences In Chena Woreda The Case Of Kafa Zone Snnprs

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Forest.s pre essential natural resources that make an important contribution to the wealth ofrnthe coui7lry. They provide woodforfuel, poles and timber for construction,furnish callie withrnshelter and fodder and protect the soil from erosion. On the other hand, destruction afforestrnleads human beings and the environment to various problems. Departingji-om this backdrop,rnthe research focuses on the perception on socia-economic and demographic causes ofrndeforestation and its consequences in Chena Woreda-The case of Kef a Zone, SNNPRSrnThe study examines the relation between household size, level of education, social exclusion,rnlandIJorest tenure rights and deforestation and further assesses the consequences ofrndeforestation and comlllunity perceptions of deforestation and its possible causes. BothrnprimQly and secondalY data sllch as household surveys sources through questionnaire, keyrninformants interview, Focus Group Discussions and literatures were used. The data werernanalyzed by descriptive way using percentage and ji-equency rank weight.rnThe major causes of deforestation in the study area were found to be rapid populationrngrowth, social exclusion, dependency on agriculture, reselliement and inappropriaterninvestment program, among others the consequences of deforestation relate to local climaternchange, soil erosion, shortage of fuel wood, etc. It is suggested that creating cOllmllmityrnawareness to reduce fertility, strengthening the relation between Menjas and the majorityrnKefa people, providing substitute for wood and providing opportunities for the people tornilll'Oll'e all other ojJ-farll1ing activities could be possible alternatives to overcome problems ofrndeforestation .

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The Perception Ofsocio--economic And Demographic Causes Of Deforestation And Its Consequences In Chena Woreda The Case Of Kafa Zone Snnprs