Individual And Family Factors On Adolescents Engagement In Risky Sexual Behavior Among High School Students In Addis Ketema Sub City Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Abstract rnBackground rnAdolescents undergo a period of development when biological, physical, cognitive, and social traitsrnmature from childhood to adulthood. Many important life events and health-damaging behaviors startrnduring the youth years. As a result, adolescence is a time of both risk and opportunity.rnObjective rnThe objective of this study is to assess, the role, individual and familial factors have on adolescent’srnengagement in risky sexual variable among high school adolescents in Addis Ketema sub-city, AddisrnAbaba, Ethiopia. rnMethodology rnA cross-sectional study was conducted; comprising quantitative method of data collection, on 412rnhigh- school adolescents with ages from 15-18 years. Sampling proportional to size technique wasrnused to select the study units from a total of 10,194 regular students enrolled in 4 private and 4rngovernmental secondary and preparatory schools. A pretested, structured self administeredrnquestionnaire was used to collect the data in Feb. 2013. rnResult The response rate for this study was 99%. From the total of 412, 83 (20.1%) of the respondentsrnalready had history of sexual intercourse with mean age of sexual debut 16.48 ± SD 0.91year. Amongrnsexually experianced, 52(62.7%) reported havong sexual intercourse with 2 to more than 4 persons inrntheir lifetime, earning pocket money, relegious service attendance, substance use, peer influence andrnparental monitoring, were some of the factors significantly associated with adolescents risky sexualrnbehaviour. rnDicussion and conclusion rnThe result of this study shows, adolescent risky sexual behaviour cannot only be decided by thernindividual‘s lifestyle rather it’s influenced by multiple social and familial characteristic. Addressingrndeterminants of adolescent risky sexual behaviour is the key step which provide for interventionsrnaiming to solve adolescent risky sexual behaviour problems, the findings of this study, thus, can servernas an asset for programmers aiming to address adolescent’s sexual health.

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Individual And Family Factors On Adolescents Engagement In Risky Sexual Behavior Among High School Students In Addis Ketema  Sub City Addis Ababa Ethiopia