Assessment Of Magnitude And Factors Affecting Place Of Delivery Among Women Of Child Bearing Age In Nunu Kumba Woredaeast Wollega Zoneoromia Regionethiopia.

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Back ground- A lack of skilled attendants at birth accounts for two million preventable maternalrndeaths, stillbirths and newborn deaths each year. Several factors have been identified as barriers rnto access to skilled care by women; including unavailability of the services, inadequate numberrnof skilled personnel, geographical inaccessibility and poor quality of care, economic factors,rnpoor service seeking behavior, traditional and cultural preference for home delivery. rnObjective-To assess the magnitude and factors affecting place of delivery among women ofrnchild bearing age in East Wollega Zone, Nunu Kumba woreda, Oromia region, Ethiopia. rnMethods- Community based cross sectional quantitative household survey among 664 samplesrnwomen of child bearing age was conducted using pre tested structured questionnaire in NunurnKumba Woreda from March to April 2013. Multi stage sampling technique was employed to rnselect the samples. Epi Info Version 3.5.3 and SPSS version 20 were used for data entry andrnanalysis respectively. Associations between variables were assessed by Odds Ratio, 95% rnConfidence Intervals and p-values. Multiple logistic-regression was used to adjust for possiblernconfounding variables.rnResults- The study revealed that institutional delivery was 38.7% in the woreda. Maternal age, rnmaternal education, husband education, age at first marriage, ANC attendance, number of ANCrnvisits, planning of pregnancy, husband‘s choice of place of delivery and mode of transport to rnhealth facility were associated independently with maternal place of delivery. Those mothersrnwho attended primary education and whose husbands‘ educational status was primary were lessrnlikely to give birth at home compared to illiterate (AOR=0.50; 95% CI=0.28, 0.92) and (AOR= rn0.31; 95% CI=0.16, 0.59) respectively. Those mothers who did not attended ANC for their lastrnpregnancy were 7.8 times more likely to give birth at home (AOR=7.81; 95% CI=2.23, 27.3) and rnwhose age at first marriage were 18 years or more were 2 times more likely to give birth at homern(AOR=2.07; 95% CI=1.03, 4.17). rnConclusion- The study revealed that institutional delivery fell far below the national goal in the rnworeda. Demographic, obstetric, mode of transportation and preference are factors related to lowrnutilization of institutional delivery in the woreda. Therefore, providing information for higher rnage group mothers and their partner‘s on increased risks of home delivery, providing appropriaterninformation during ANC check-ups, encouraging ANC attendance, a llowing the relatives to be rnwith laboring mother when they come to health facility are recommended.

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Assessment Of Magnitude And Factors Affecting Place Of Delivery Among Women Of Child Bearing Age In Nunu Kumba Woredaeast Wollega Zoneoromia Regionethiopia.