Assessment Of The Effect Of Focused Antenatal Care On Utilization Of Skilled Delivery Attendant At Birth Among Mothers In Gomma Woreda And Agaro Town.

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Background: There should be a link between use of antenatal care and delivery assisted by arnprofessional health care provider. Ethiopia is ranked among the nations with the highest maternalrnmortality ratios in the world. The effect of packaged health care services in Focused AntenatalrnCare that a mother receives during pregnancy, at the time of delivery and soon after delivery isrnimportant for the survival and well-being of both the mother and the new born. rnObjectives: To assess the effect of Focused Antenatal Care on Skilled Delivery servicernUtilization at birth among women who have attended FANC in Health centers and deliver in thernone year preceding the survey in Gomma Woreda and Agaro Town,Jimma Zone, OromiarnNational Regional state, south west Ethiopia. rnMethods: a community based comparative cross sectional survey was conducted among mothersrnwho have attended 1-3(none exposed) and ≥4(exposed) FANC at Health centers and deliveredrnone year preceding to the study period in Gomma woreda and Agaro Town. A total number ofrn369 mothers that attended FANC were selected with systematic random sampling technique fromrnHealth centers’ ANC registration book based on the number of FANC .Then selected mothersrnwere traced and interviewed. The association of FANC visits and other factors with outcomesrn(skilled delivery attendant utilization) was assessed using Chi-square (χ2)-statistics andrnmultivariate logistic regression models and to control confounders. Place of delivery was dividedrninto home delivery or facility delivery. rnResults: The study results showed that the magnitude of skilled birth attendant service utilizationrnat birth among FANC visitors was 53.1% in the study area. Utilization of SDA among ≥4 FANCrnattendants was 68.5% and 48.0% among 1-3 FANC visit attendants. Maternal education, rnreligion, living in a distance of 30 minutes’ walk to nearest health facility with SDA, preferencernof husbands’ as place of delivery for their wives and birth preparedness and complicationrnreadiness plan implementation was significantly associated with utilization of SDA at birthrnamong FANC attending mothers. rnConclusions: The magnitude of deliveries attended by skilled birth attendant was relatively highrnamong ≥4 FANC attendant mothers but there was no statistical difference between 1-3 and ≥4rnFANC attendants in utilization of skilled delivery attendant care at birth. So, enable pregnantrnmothers to attend their ANC followup with skilled providers. rnRecommendations: To make FANC service effective in getting back mothers to utilize skilledrndelivery attendant during delivery, emphasize on individualized service provided to pregnantrnmothers attending FANC not on number of visits she should attend, implement all packages ofrnFANC services, birth preparedness and complication readiness should have to get equal attentionrnas other packages, involve husbands/partners at least once during FANC visit, provide free-cost rnemergency transportation for distant mothers during labor, enable women to attend formalrneducation at least up to secondary education, community mobilization and involving religionrnleaders in Skilled birth attendant service utilization promotion activities were recommended.

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Assessment Of The Effect Of Focused Antenatal Care On Utilization Of Skilled Delivery Attendant At Birth Among Mothers In Gomma Woreda And Agaro Town.