[n order to explore the magnitude of specific mental and behavioural disorders and theirrnsocio-demographic corre lates in children, a study was cond ucted in Butajira, SouthernrnEthiopia, using the Amharic vers ion of the Diagnostic In strument for Children andrnAdo[escents (D[CA). A total of [477 children were assessed; 3.5 % of the study subjectsrnhad at least one or more mental or behav ioura l disorders. The most frequent diagnosesrnwere anx iety disorder ( 1.6%), Attention Deficit Hyperactiv ity Disorder (ADHD) ( [ .5%);rnand disruptive behav ioura l disorder (1.5%). Mood d isorders ( [ %) and elim inationrndisorders (0.8%) were re lative ly less common. Res idence in urban area was associatedrnwith ADHD:OR(95 % CI) = 3.03 (1.11-8.04).ADHD was also associated with increasingrnage, having a s ingle parent, or a chronica ll y s ick family member: OR (95 % CI) = 3.32rn( 1. 15-10.33), 4.63( 1.25-1 7.3 1), 5.5 6(2. [6-14. [6), respectively. Disruptive behaviouralrndisorders were sign ificantly associated with increasing age, parents not living together,rnsevere financial problem and with the presence of chrunically sick family member ORrn(95 % C[) =4.4 1 ( 1.40- 15.45),4.63( 1.05- 17.3 1 ),2.77( 1.05,7. 12), and 8.15 (3.23 ,20.56),rnrespectively. Livi ng in a house with more than one room was a lso sign ificant ly butrninversely, associated with anxiety disorder: OR(95%CI)=0.39 (0.16,0.95). Moodrndisorders were assoc iated with the presence of parents not li ving together, fi nancialrnproblem and chronically sick fami ly member: OR (95 % CI ) = 4.44 ( 1.00, [8 .57),5.57rn( 1.82,17.20), and 12. [2(3.89,38.84), respective ly. Enuresis was found to have nornstat istically signi ficant association with any of the variables mentioned. Specific mentalrnand behav ioura l disorders in chil dren were fo und s igni fica nt public health problems.[n order to explore the magnitude of specific mental and behavioural disorders and theirrnsocio-demographic corre lates in children, a study was cond ucted in Butajira, SouthernrnEthiopia, using the Amharic vers ion of the Diagnostic In strument for Children andrnAdo[escents (D[CA). A total of [477 children were assessed; 3.5 % of the study subjectsrnhad at least one or more mental or behav ioura l disorders. The most frequent diagnosesrnwere anx iety disorder ( 1.6%), Attention Deficit Hyperactiv ity Disorder (ADHD) ( [ .5%);rnand disruptive behav ioura l disorder (1.5%). Mood d isorders ( [ %) and elim inationrndisorders (0.8%) were re lative ly less common. Res idence in urban area was associatedrnwith ADHD:OR(95 % CI) = 3.03 (1.11-8.04).ADHD was also associated with increasingrnage, having a s ingle parent, or a chronica ll y s ick family member: OR (95 % CI) = 3.32rn( 1. 15-10.33), 4.63( 1.25-1 7.3 1), 5.5 6(2. [6-14. [6), respectively. Disruptive behaviouralrndisorders were sign ificantly associated with increasing age, parents not living together,rnsevere financial problem and with the presence of chrunically sick family member ORrn(95 % C[) =4.4 1 ( 1.40- 15.45),4.63( 1.05- 17.3 1 ),2.77( 1.05,7. 12), and 8.15 (3.23 ,20.56),rnrespectively. Livi ng in a house with more than one room was a lso sign ificant ly butrninversely, associated with anxiety disorder: OR(95%CI)=0.39 (0.16,0.95). Moodrndisorders were assoc iated with the presence of parents not li ving together, fi nancialrnproblem and chronically sick fami ly member: OR (95 % CI ) = 4.44 ( 1.00, [8 .57),5.57rn( 1.82,17.20), and 12. [2(3.89,38.84), respective ly. Enuresis was found to have nornstat istically signi ficant association with any of the variables mentioned. Specific mentalrnand behav ioura l disorders in chil dren were fo und s igni fica nt public health problems.