Staff Training And Development A Tool For Increase In Performance In Organisation In Abia State; (a Case Study Of Federal Ministry Of Education Abia State)

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This work on staff training and development: A tool for increase in performance in organization in Abia State (a case study of federal ministry of education Abia State). has been under taken to fill the gap occasioned by lack of training and development which lead to poor performance in organization. This is because life is dynamic and new inventions and ways of doing things in organization are continually envolving. And since people work and rise in hierarchy to take more responsibilities, there is need to equip them with necessary skills that will help both present jobs and future responsibilities which can only achieved through training and development programmes.

This work applied survey approach in the study of four out of seven departments in the Federal Ministry of Education Abia




State in it’s effort to know the various staff training and development given to staff of the organization. Various literature were reviewed in this area. Also primary data /information were sought for using questionnaires. It is also tried to establish the effect of these training on staff input/performance and the effect on the overall growth and development of the organization by analyzing and testing the data collected and some hypothetical statement posed.

It was found out that training and development is a variable tool for increase in the performance in the federal ministry of education Abia state, and finally revealed that there are some constraints that limit the positive impact as well as the conduct of training and development exercise in the ministry.







Title page

Approval page




Table of contents


1.0      Introduction

1.1      Background of the study

1.2      Statement of the problem

1.3      Objective of the problem

1.4      Research questions

1.5      Statement of hypothesis

1.6      Significance of the study

1.7      Scope of the study

1.8      Limitation of the study

1.9      Definition of terms



2.0      Literature Review

2.1      Introduction

2.2      Training as a tool for changing behaviour

2.3      Training as a means of acquiring skills and development

2.4      Training as a tool for development of employee potential

2.5      Different between training, development and education

2.6      Typologies of training and development

2.7      Training process

2.8      The role of the trainer

2.9      Importance of traning and development in organization

2.10  Training and development in ministry (Nigeria experience)

2.11  Duties and responsibility of federal ministry of education Abia state

2.12  Assessment of training and development effort in Nigeria



3.0      Research design and methodology

3.1      Introduction

3.2      Research design

3.3      Sources/methods of data collection

3.4      Population and sample size

3.5      Sample techniques

3.6      Validity and reliability of measuring instrument

3.7      Methods of data analysis



4.0      Presentation and analysis of data

4.1      Introduction

4.2      Presentation of data

4.3      Analysis of data

4.4      Test of hypothesis

4.5      Interpretation of results


5.0      Summary, conclusion and recommendation

5.1      Introduction

5.2      Summary of findings

5.3      Conclusion

5.4      Recommendation


















In any administrative organization, a large or small, public or private, competent personnel are required for the actualization of the organization’s goals and objectives.

After workers have been hired to work for an organization, one striking thing about them is that they have different backgrounds, though they may have the same qualification. Also by having not worked for that organization before, they may not have indebt knowledge of the techniques, procedures, and culture of the organization.

In the same vein, Obikeze, Obi and Abonyi (2005) states that

Life is dynamic and new inventions and ways

of doing things are continually evolving.

Change is now regarded as anything permanent in life.

In the work place, the workers need to be aware

of these changes and also innovate accordingly.

As people work and rise in the hierarchy, they take on more responsibilities which may not even bear much resemblance to the ones they were exposed to at the early stage, hence they are supposed to be prepared early enough so that future challenges would not overwhelm them.

They above in a nutshell, under shows the need to equip the workers with necessary skills that will help in both present jobs and future responsibility and which can be achieved through training and development.


It is common for people to see training and development as the same thing. However, it is important to point out that though, they are similar but are not the same thing.

In the word of Campbell (1971), training “is a planner learning experience designed to bring about permanent change in an individual knowledge, attitude or skill”

Cole  in Obikeze, Obi and Abonyi (2005) Opine that training

any learning activity which is directed towards the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills for the purpose of an occupation or task.

In addition, Ogunna (1996) opine that training “is a process by which the attitude, skills, technical knowledge and abilities of the employees to perform specific job are increased”.

Development on the other hand, according Onuoha  in Obikeze Obi and Abonyi (2005) states that staff development involves “preparing employees for high responsibilities in the future”

It is also a programme with the intent to improve employees’ conceptual and human skills in preparation for future jobs.

In addition to that Cole  in Obikeze, Obi and Abonyi (2005) opine that staff development is refers to

any learning activity which is directed towards future needs rather than the present needs and which is concerned more with career growth than immediate performance.

Writing on the staff development and training in organization, Ubeku (1975) state that “employees who have received adequate training before being assigned responsibilities lack the necessary confidence with which to carryout their job”. That the employees should be helped to grow into more responsibilities by systematic training and development so that he will be confident enough to carryout the responsibilities of their jobs.

However, Campbell (1971) states that the distinction between training and development

Is that development aimed at the managerial personnel and that training course are designed for short term and stated set purpose, such as operation of some pieces of machinery and others.

From the above, it is now clear that there is a major different between training and development. Though both of them are geared towards increasing or improving the skills of workers.

Training is concerned with teaching the workers specific skills that will assist them in their immediate task while development is concerned with teaching the workers more general skills that will assist them in career growth, thereby enquiring for the future.

Commenting on the inevitability of training and development, Onyemesim (2008) indicate that effective training programme can result in increased productivity, reduce labour turnover, and greater employee satisfaction.

Countless writers on the subject on the other hand come out with the conclusion that the need for training and development cannot be overemphasized, yet public organization place it at the bottom of their priorities.

Still on that, Ogunna (1996), Opine that “training of personnel has not been given adequate alternation in Nigeria while federal ministry are specialized bodies of government which requires special skills, techniques and norms peculiar to it.

Britain gives specific alternation to regular specialist training for public organization staff. So, this was inherited by Nigeria during the colonial era.

The federal government in its programme of training designed three universities, namely Obafemi Awolowo University for the Western zone, University of Nigeria Nsuka for the Eastern zone and Ahmadu Bello university Zaria for the Northern zone, as national training centers for organizational personnel. In addition to formal academic training, the centre organized regular seminar and workshops for the public and private organizational personnel. However, various categories in addition to these national centres were also ill equipped, poorly financed and inefficiently managed staff towards the development of workers.

Secondly, the training of staff in the organization is often organized and handled by non experts and in some cases, by people who never studies public administration as a subject.

Thirdly, sometimes the training contract is awarded to in-law, friends and relation in a manner that will heavily enrich the officer that controls the training vote.

Moreover, training programme contract is often gives as a form of public political patronage or friendship favour. Some times the training contract is given to non – existence consultancy firm. There is an absence of well articulated and properly designed training programme for the federal ministry of education personnel. In some cases they are poorly planned, ill-organized and ineffectively executed. In short, the federal ministry of education training in Nigeria is haphazard, gross inadequate and inefficient, which has led to low productivity in almost all the federal ministries of the federation.

Federal Ministry Of Education Abia State was established in the year 1993 under the military head of state, major General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida. This ministry was established for inspectorate service of both government and private schools. This ministry was sited at No 3 Ojike Street Umuahia in Umuahia North local government of Abia State. The ministry is made up of coordinator of inspection (C.I) as the head of the ministry and other departments of Administrative department, Account, Store, Registry, Typing pool and technical department that made up of driver and security section.

Like other federal ministries in the federation, Federal Ministry of Education Abia State has the primary goal of carrying out inspection on the positions of schools and with regard to the provision of

a.           Good management of the schools

b.          Quality of teachers

c.           Conducive environment

d.          Data of the number of schools and

e.           Staff and overall standard.

2.          Conducting workshop which is a problem – solving oriented discussion meeting. These handle very technical issues and strive to find solutions or generate information and ideas about them.

3.          Recruitment of workers on grade level 1 to 6 through the “Junior Staff Committee (local)” in the primary and secondary schools.

But it has failed abysmally in this quest for development because there is a high rate of economic underdevelopment showcased inform of lack of well trained personnel, Godfatherism, bribery and corruption. The most crucial problem facing federal ministry of education in Abia State is not from financing but inadequate quality manpower resources. Staff are not well qualified and lack the requisite experience. Training and development programme are hindered by those factors mentioned above.

In conclusion, personnel are the life of any organization. Its effective management is therefore very central and crucial in the achievement of organization objectives. The effectiveness of federal ministry of education Abia State depends to a large extent on the efficiencies of its staff. What emerges as a conclusion is that staff is not given specialized training and development that will give effect to professionalism of the federal ministries services.


It is generally accepted that the livewire of any organization is the human resources. The quality of staff in the federal ministry of education will determine the quality of developmental service provide to the general public. Federal Ministry of Education is full with these problems that make training and development an inevitable tool for increase in performance.

i.            Workers come from different backgrounds and lack indebt knowledge of techniques, procedure and culture of the organization

ii.          Life is dynamic because there are always change of government , economic system and policies

iii.        New inventions and ways of doing things continually evolves for example manual typewriter to computer.

iv.         Workers rise in the hierarchy which makes them take more responsibilities.

From the above, it is necessary that a scholarly research will be done on this aspect of social science as to unveil as much as these problems.

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