Track Surveying And Speed Optimization (case Study Of Addis Ababa Adama Line)

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Speed Optimization is a means of improving the geometric alignment, infrastructure andrnconstruction materials and structure performance during the working cycles under some manufacturing,rnoperational and failure conditions as well as cost limitations.rnThe new Ethiopian national railway network design speed is about 120Km/h which is too low whenrncompared with some developed countries rail speed. Construction of new high speed line needs hugerninvestment that may not be viable for a developing country like Ethiopia and optimization of existing linernusing different techniques is the available option. The major anticipated problems/demand behind forrnhigh speed for the country national rail network and Addis Ababa – Adama line in particular are for thatrnit is Competitive with toll road of same speed, located along the development axis area of Ethiopianrneconomy, located along country’s industrial zone highly polluted by industry emission, national imagernbuilding, attracting investor and delay of freight at sea port.rnOptimization of speed were done by enquiring and analyzing existing track geometry and track superrnstructures, construction materials and other speed related parameters to identify restrictive sections andrnthe maximum allowable speed of the line. Geometric analysis and design were done by Bentley Inrailrnsoftware in the optimization process and finite element methods were used for analyzing of trackrncomponent response under optimized speed.rnFrom the analysis result, the existing track construction materials and infrastructures are withinrnrecommendable limit for introducing high speed. The geometry of the track is allowable for speed up torn130km/h by modifying cant of sharp horizontal curves. Two optimization techniques were identified forrnthe study. The first optimization technique is introducing tilting coach and the second is upgradingrnexisting geometric alignment. On the existing track, 160km/h speed can be operated by introducing tiltingrncoach without upgrading the track alignment. It is possible to achieve 16okm/h for conventional train byrnupgrading sharp horizontal curves less than 1325m. By combination of both techniques 205km/h speedrncan be achieved, but due to vertical curve limitation speed more than 170km/h is not viable on the line.rnBy all optimization techniques, the recommendable level of optimization percentage is 33%. Introducingrntilt coach technology is recommendable technology as it is easy for application and economically feasiblernoption. Since the entire Ethiopian national rail network are similar, the work done for Addis Ababa –rnAdama line can be projected for other routes to increase consistency system throughout the country.

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Track Surveying And Speed Optimization (case Study Of Addis Ababa  Adama Line)