Analyzing The Influence Of Material Property Of Railway Wheel Steel Under High Temperature On Aalrt

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During the train emergency brake phenomenon, wheel locking takes place due to a high brakingrnforce applied on the wheel that exceeds the traction force between the wheel and rail. A wheelrnlocking is a phenomenon in which the wheel stops rolling over the rail and exhibits skidding of arnwheel on rail. This skidding motion of the wheel induces a rise in temperature on the wheel and railrnsurface. In some cases, this rise in temperature tends to change the microstructure of the wheelrnsurface leading to the reduction of wheel strength and plastic deformation. Addis Ababa Light RailrnTransit (AALRT) maintenance workshop executes the re-profile of the wheel when defects likernplastic deformation, spall, and wear are encountered. In the meantime, continues re-profiling of railrnwheels shortens the wheel life resulting in an increase in the maintenance cost of the company.rnThis paper presents the mechanical property comparison of two railway wheel plates of steel withrndifferent chemical compositions. This study is carried out on UIC passenger train wheels. UIC puts arnstandard of wheel grade with different alloying percentages for different train applications. For thisrnspecific research two passenger wheel classes such as R6T and R8T are selected for comparison. Byrnvarying the alloying percentage of wheel steel, the variation in the mechanical and thermal propertyrnof the wheel is studied for the train emergency brake phenomenon which exhibits skidding for mostrnof the cases. FEA software is used as a method of research to analyze the phenomenon. By increasingrnthe alloying percentage of Silicon and Manganese the Thermal and Mechanical property of the wheelrnis maintained in large. Manganese increases hardness and wears resistance by increasing toughnessrnand work hardening while Silicon plays the primary role in improving thermal stability and hightemperaturernstrength and Chromium increases corrosion resistance. The study result complies that thernspecific elements alloying percentage can enhance the mechanical and thermal property byrnimproving Solid-solution strengthening of the wheel and can reduce the plastic deformation thatrncould be induced during emergency braking and wheel skidding phenomenon. The research outcomerncan help the company, AALRT to employ the proper wheel material in operation and reducing thernmaintenance and operational cost that could be incurred due to wheel re-profile.

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Analyzing The Influence Of Material Property Of Railway Wheel Steel Under High Temperature On Aalrt