Attitude Practice And Barriers In Academic Research Among Radiology Residents In Ethiopiaa Cross Sectional Survey

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Background: Radiology has become one of the most sought out residency program in therncountry attracting highly talented qualified candidates from all over the country.the objective ofrnthe study was to determine the attitude, practice and barriersof radiology residents towardsrnacademic researchrnMethod:A descriptive cross sectional survey was conducted across all five institutions currentlyrngiving radiology residency programs in the country the survey was carried out from 12/16/2020rnto 12/12/2021. Using a questionaries’ that were distributed to the residents online using googlerndocs.rnResults:.There were at total of 120 radiology residents participated in the study. 93(77.5%) ofrnthe participants were male while the rest 27 (22.5%) were female. With the mean age of thernparticipants was 30 years of age. Out of the 120 residents only 6 (5%) of them have published arnresearch paper and from the residents with previous publication only three had more than onernpublication. 92.6% of the respondents were found to have a positive attitude towards academicrnresearch. Some of the major barrier to research identified by the study were the lack of time duernto heavy workload which was an issue for 99(85.3%) of the residents, followed by lack ofrnTraining course 78(67.2%), inadequate Mentor Support 63(54.3%), inadequate financial supportrn60(51.7%).rnConclusions: The study has showed that the overall attitude of radiology residents across therncountry towards academic research was positive but the practice of the residents in variousrnacademic research activities was found to be low.The authors recommend that all thernstakeholders in radiology post graduate education to encourage residents in their academicrnpursuits by providing the necessary time and resources needed to perform quality research

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Attitude Practice And Barriers In Academic Research Among Radiology Residents In Ethiopiaa Cross Sectional Survey