Cross-sectional Study Of Aortic Arch Branching Patterns And Anomlies In Pediatric Patients Evaluated At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Two-year Retrospective Study
Background: The Development of the Aorta is a complex process which starts atrnthe 3rnrdrnweek of gestation. And this complex process can be susceptible to a varietyrnof congenital variants and pathologic anomalies. knowledge of this anatomicalrnvariations may be significant when performing surgical and radiologistinterventionistrnprocedures,rnraisingrnthernprobabilityrnofrnmistakes,rnadverserneffects,rnandrnevenrnfatalrnoutcomesrnObjective:the objective of the study is to Evaluated the pattern of Aortic Archrnanomalies seen in Pediatric Patientsat Black Lion Hospital.rnMethods:A Retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at TASH, collegernof health science in patients who had post contrast chest CT from January 2019 tornJanuary 2021.rnResults:A Total of 448 children were included in the study and 270(60.3%) werernmale and 178 (39.7%) were female. And Ages of the participants ranged from 1 torn14 years of age with a mean of 6.4 ± 3.79 years. The most common aorticrnbranching pattern that was seen in study was the Type A branching pattern withrn320 (72.2 %), Followed by the Type B1 pattern with 80 (18.1%)patients.rnConclusion: Variation and anomalies of the aortic arch are common findings andrnknowledge about the different types of aortic arch anomalies is important forrnproperpre surgical planning.