Reference Diameters Of The Abdominal Aorta And Common Lliac Arteries In Ethiopian Adults On Abdominal Ct A Facility-based Cross-sectional Study

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Background: Aortic and common iliac artery diameters are best indicators for diagnosis ofrnaortic ectasia and aneurysm, and appropriate selection of stent graft size for endovascularrnprocedures. Currently, there is lack of evidence regarding abdominal aorta and common iliacrnartery diameter in Ethiopian adults.rnObjective: To assess mean diameter and associated factors of abdominal aorta and commonrniliac artery diameters on abdominal CT scans of Ethiopian adults visiting Tikur AnbessarnSpecialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.rnMethods: Hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted. Convenience nonprobabilityrnsampling method was employed. Data were collected from consecutive eligible adults who camernfor abdominal CT scans in study period, using interviewer-administered structuredrnquestionnaires. The data was cleaned and analysed using SPSS version 22. Student t-test andrnPearson correlation were used for statistical analysis.rnResults: There were 136 study participants and 50 (40.4%) of participants were males andrn81(59.6%) were females. Age of participants ranged from 23 up to 77 with mean age of 48.5 ±rn13 years. The mean transverse diameter of the aorta at aortic hiatus (T12) level was 2.30 ±rn0.25cm in males and 2.03 ± 0.19 m in females. The mean transverse diameter of suprarenal aortarnwas 2.04 ± 0.21cm in males and 1.83 ± 0.21 cm in females. Those individuals of male sex,rnincreased age, larger BSA, and alcohol consumption were having larger diameters.rnConclusion: In this study, Diameter of aorta and common iliac artery was significantlyrnassociated with age, sex, BSA, and alcohol consumption.

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Reference Diameters Of The Abdominal Aorta And Common Lliac Arteries In Ethiopian Adults On Abdominal Ct A Facility-based Cross-sectional Study