Prevalence Of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear And Associated Injuries Among Patients Who Underwent Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging At Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa University And Saint Paul Hospital Millenniu

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The knee joint is prone to injury because of its complexity and weight-bearing function. The rnAnterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the one of the most commonly injured knee ligaments andrnare common in young individuals who participate in sports activities associated with pivoting,rndecelerating and jumping. However there is shortage of information regarding prevalence ofrnanterior cruciate ligament tear especially in Ethiopia. This is a cross sectional study done tornassess prevalence of Anterior Cruciate ligament tear and associated injuries among patients whornunderwent Knee Magnetic resonance imaging from March 2019 to March 2021 at Tikur AnbesarnSpecialized Hospital and SPHMMC. SPSS version 26.00 was used for data analysis. The findingrnshowed the knee pain is one of the commonest clinical presentation and joint effusion as well asrnabnormal T2/PD signal intensity are the common MRI findings of ACL tear. The findings alsornshowed 39.2% the patients had history of trauma of which 17.2% have anterior cruciate ligamentrntear. Majority (91.6%) of ACL tear were associated with other injuries in the knee joint. Osseousrninjuries (50%) either contusion or avulsion and Meniscal tears (55.5%) are the commonlyrnassociated injuries with ACL tear with the medial meniscus being the commonly affectedrnmeniscus. Postero lateral corner injury was also seen in 5.5%, Posterior cruciate ligament injuryrnin 8.3%, medial collateral ligament in 19.4% and associated osseous avulsion fracture is seen inrn13.9% of patients with ACL injury. Males (58.3%) are highly affected with ACL tear thanrnfemales (41.7%).The prevalence of ACL tear is high in young individual with history of fallingrndown accident and twisting injury. Whenever there is ACL injury evaluation for presence andrnpattern of any other injury in the knee joint is recommended.

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Prevalence Of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear And Associated Injuries Among Patients Who Underwent Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging  At Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa University And Saint Paul Hospital Millenniu