Fatigue Analysis Of Pantograph Head Materials For Better Contact

Railway Engineering Project Topics

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In general, the motorized units of the trainsets are powered through the pantograph-catenaryrnsystem. Loose of contact between the catenary and pantograph is one of the main problems in thernrailway industry. This loose in contact is caused by many parameters like corrugation effect onrnrail, speed of the train, load and deformation on the pantograph head material. From the abovernstated causes, the damage of pantograph head material due to wear and fatigue damage accountsrnthe greater amount. The purpose of this paper is done to do The Fatigue Analysis of PantographrnHead Materials for Better Contact. For this project, two pantograph head materialsrncopper/carbon (Cu/C) alloy and copper/carbon/rice bran ceramics (Cu/C/RBC) compositernare selected for analysis. Copper/carbon (Cu/C) is the current material used by AALRT andrncopper/carbon/rice bran ceramics (Cu/C/RBC) is a newly developed composite material used forrnpantograph head. The pantograph head model is done by software called CATIA and finiternelement model (FEM) analysis is done by ANSYS. For this project a simple pantograph model isrnused with a static structural fatigue analysis. The thermal and electrical stress is not consideredrnfor the analysis. By applying a structural load of 148.4N on the pantograph head, the max vonmisesrnstress, deformation and fatigue damage results such as life, damage and safety factor isrnevaluated for the two pantograph head materials. From the analysis the following results havernbeen found, max von mises stress, deformation and fatigue life, damage and safety factor arern9.40*10^7Pa, 0.075m, 4.7326*10^5 cycle, 2133 and 0.67135 or 1.0206 respectively forrncopper/carbon (Cu/C) alloy while 9.34*10^7Pa, 0.073428m, 4.8647*10^5cycle, 2055.6 andrn0.68094 or 1.1236 for Cu/C/RBC head material. From the analysis result comparison of thernpantograph head materials based on fatigue analysis, it can be concluded that the newlyrndeveloped composite material (Cu/C/RBC) is the better one with compare to the current material.

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Fatigue Analysis Of Pantograph Head Materials For Better Contact