For the past decade, sensing technologies have emerged and expanded rapidly. Due to thernsensor devices becoming cheaper, condition monitoring systems have become an option asrna management tool. These systems are designed and deployed in structure health monitoring,rnvehicles, machinery and even wild life preservation systems. These cheap sensors togetherrnwith the recent advances in networking technologies such as wireless communication andrnmobile ad hoc networking coupled with the technology to integrate devices has brought thernemergence of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). rnWireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be used for monitoring the railway infrastructure suchrnas bridges, rail tracks, tunnels and track signalling equipment as well as vehicle healthrnmonitoring like chassis, bogies and wheels. Condition monitoring especially in remote areasrnreduces human inspection requirements through automated monitoring, in essence it majorlyrnreduces maintenance costs through detecting faults before they escalate which then improvesrnreliability, availability and safety. rnIn this thesis, a WSN for condition monitoring of railway point machines is researched. Thernpoint machine is selected for monitoring after data analysis of signalling devices failure ratesrnat Addis Ababa light rail transit. rnA dynamic website application is developed to monitor and manage the information comingrnfrom the sensor nodes wireless transmission. The collected data is stored using a databasernmanagement service. The system uses open source tools which makes it possible to keep therncost low to justify the savings in maintenance costs.