Adaptive Terminal Sliding-mode Control For Speed Tracking Of Multiple High Speed Train

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In today‟s world, the railway transportation entered into the era of high speed. Which means thernconcern becomes more of to travel faster and safer. High speed trains are a train with a maximumrnoperating speed of more than 200 km/h. Automatic train operation system is an operationalrnsafety enhancement device used to help automate the operation of the high speed trains. Thisrnsystem does its controlling function based on controllers which is embedded on it. But, due tornsome influencing factors which reduce the performance of the controllers which embedded onrnATO like; parameter uncertainties, unknown model parameters, actuator effectiveness loss,rncoupler effect and external disturbance, until know there is a limitation in controllers to attainrnfinite time convergence of the tracking error to the equilibrium point rather than achievingrnasymptotic convergence, that means stability within finite time is not guaranteed. rnIn real time operation of high speed trains (HSTs), stability within finite time interval is desiredrninstead of the asymptotic stability, as it is more physically realizable than concerning infiniterntime. In this paper, adaptive terminal sliding-mode control scheme was developed for finite timernstable speed tracking control for high speed trains with unknown parameters of a model,rnparameters uncertainties, actuator effectiveness losses, coupler effect and external disturbance. Inrnthis paper the train system is modeled as a multi-point mass model and considered the in-trainrnforces between the adjacent cars which are the effect of couplers. To attain stability within in arnfinite time terminal sliding-mode control is proposed and introduced for multiple high speedrntrain system that drives the dynamical system of a tracking error to the predesigned slidingrnsurface within defined time and thereafter sustain a sliding motion on it. For online estimation ofrnunknown parameters of the model and the actuator fault compensation term adaptive technique isrndesigned and cooperates with a terminal sliding-mode control. Saturation function is used torneliminate the chattering problem caused due to the terminal sliding mode control. Lyapunovrntheory is used to demonstrate the stability of a closed-loop train system. Lastly, to demonstrate arnperformance of the controller Matlab/Simulink environment is used. Finally, the system responsernsettles within 3.134ms and zero steady state error is attained. So, the main objective of the paper,rnstability in finite time is achieved with good tracking accuracy. To realize the strong robustnessrnof the proposed controller, its performance was demonstrated for different scenarios andrnobtained good results.

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Adaptive Terminal Sliding-mode Control For Speed Tracking Of Multiple High Speed  Train