Ngos Natural Resources Management Technologies Their Adoption By Farmers With Evidence From Kindo Koisha Area Southern Ethiopia

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NGOs have considerable experience in promoting and disseminating NRM technologiesrnt hro ughout the world. In line with this, since the 1984/ 85 Sahelian drought, NGOsrnhave introduced various NRM technologies to rehabilitate renewable natural resources inrndifferent rural areas of Ethiopia. SOS ( 'Save Our Soils') Sahel IUK international is onernof slich environmental NGOs in Ethiopia. The major objective of th is paper was tornexa mine whether farmers in the study area have adopted the SOS-Sahel initiatedrnNRM technolog ies and some socio-economic and institutional factors affecting thernadoption and sustainabi lity issue. Th e study was based on th e survey of 92 randomlyrnselected HH heads from Kindo Koisha Wereda and other institutional data sourcesrnfrom project, local, regional and federal offices concerned with environment and NRM.rnThe study has employed both descri ptive and qualitative analysis as methodologicalrntools.rnThe findings have shown that both the structural and agronomic NRM technologiesrnwere int roduced by the project. From among agronomic measures (multipurposerngrasses and shade trees) and from structural measures soil bund were well adopted.rnFor instance, the adoption level of technolog ies shows that out of the total fa rmersrnmore than 93% adopted soil bund , 58% adopted grass strips and 50 % adopted shaderntrees. Training, labour availability, participation and access to hand tools were foundrnto be highly affecting the adoption process in the study area. In fact, as compared tornprevious government intervention in the area the adoption is better due to improvedrnparticipation (during implementation), favorable attitude of community towards therntechnologies introduced, better awareness creation and technical back-up services.rnAlthough the SOS-Sahel introduced NRM technology is high ly accepted in the studyrnarea its widespread repl ication and sustainabi lity seems requiring additional technicalrnand material assistant. In fact, about 78.6 % of respondents covered in thi s surveyrnshowed interest to continue the intervention. However, some of them put material andrntechnical pre-conditions to undertake conservation measures in a sustained manner.rnHence, addressing socio-economic and institu tional arrangement such as additionalrntraining, access to hand tools, creating means for off-farm income sources,rnstrengthening conservation work groups, improving basic social infrastru ctures likernwater supply, health facilities for human and animal and introducing agro-forestry andrnfuel wood saving mechanisms is necessary. In general the paper concludes byrnhighlighting that SOS-Sahel /KRDP should design and implement a sound socioeconomicrnand in stitutional NRM package arrangements in addition to technicalrnfeasibility to ensure the sustainab ility of the NRM interventions. Finally, NGOs effortsrnto mange natural resources should be encouraged th rough clear sector/actor-NRMrnPol icy/ strategy and its subsequent implementation proced ure which might berndesig ned by Federal Environmental Protection Authority or government bodiesrnconcerned with NRM in SNNPR to ensure the lasting benefit from such NGOsrnintervention.

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Ngos Natural Resources Management Technologies Their Adoption By Farmers With Evidence From Kindo Koisha Area Southern Ethiopia