Determinant Factors That Influence The Use Of Family Planning Among Eligible Couples In Rural Amhara The Case Of Bahir Dar Zuria Woreda

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Rapid population growth is one of the major hindrances of societal development, which in mostrncases obse/ved in developing countries. Resource shortage, high rate of unemployment, highrnburden of dependency ratio, environmental degradation, etc, and an overall deterioration of thernquality of life are sOllie of the outcomes of rapid population growth. Due to this governments ofrnlIIany developing nations are unable to meet the social and economic needs of their people.rnIn order to avoid problems caused by population growth, practicing of fclll1ily planning is one of thern1II0S/ papillar con/rolling methods used as a remedy. Limiting the number of children at householdrnlevel is a first step to be taken that requires educating and encouraging rural eligible couples tornhave a Sill all family size. A cross-sectional survey was conducted all 140 couples, 70 currentlyrnusers and 70 currently non-users in ten rural Kebeles using multi-stage stratify and randomrnsampling techniques and the study was conducted to identify the influential factors for the usernand non-use of modem contraceptives.rnFac/ors identified as determinants were age of males, age during first marriage of females,rneducation level of females, economic status of couples, knowledge about modem contraceptivesrnand al/itude of couples, desired number of children of males, reasons given by males to havern1II0re children, decision making role of males and sex preference of children of couples.rnProviding consecutive education all fcUl1ily planning that enable to bring attitudinal andrnbehavioral c/wnges of the rural couples would be much helpjitl to improve the pe/forl/wnce ofrnfalll it)! planning and thereby couples would have small family size, which is the main strategy torncurb the rapid population growth that contributes to the achievement of development.

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Determinant Factors That Influence The Use Of Family Planning Among Eligible Couples In Rural Amhara The Case Of Bahir Dar Zuria Woreda