Analysis Of Humanitarian Assistance Interventions In Droughtprone Areas Of Waghimra Zone Of Amhara Regional State From Rights-based Approach The Case Of Sekota Woreda

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Humanitarian assistance has been pervasive throughout response and recovery actions to variousrndisasters in human history, yet the modern concept of humanitarian assistance has only emergedrnsince 20th century. Humanitarian practitioners and organizations are seeking effective and efficientrnmeans of minimizing the tremendous losses suffered from disaster strikes. On the basis of the shiftrnover the quest for effective means of humanitarian assistance interventions, this study is aimed tornanalyze humanitarian assistance interventions from right based approach and taking as a case studyrnof Sekota Woreda. The case study was selected because of the continuity of humanitarian assistancerninterventions for the last several decades; yet still drought prone area seeking for effective andrnefficient approach to creating resilience to unfolding disasters. A quantitative and qualitativernresearch approach was largely employed to triangulate the findings. Primary data were collectedrnfrom a sample of 250 households which were selected using probability sampling. The quantitativerndata were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The quantitative data setsrnwere computed using STATA12. Qualitative data were collected using a guideline from KII and FGDrnvia interviews and focused discussions. The qualitative data was grouped into thematic categoriesrnand patterns that resemble right-based approach were analyzed to triangulate the quantitative andrnsecondary content data sets. The secondary data were collected from reports, published andrnunpublished material available via document research checklist and a content analysis wasrnemployed. The main findings of the study were (1) Causes of food insecurity in Sekota Woreda: Thernrecurrent drought (shortage of rainfall), soil degradation, hailstorm and shortage of arable landrnaggravated were found to be the causes of household food insecurity; 2) Determinants of FoodrnInsecurity in Sekota Woreda: the binary logistic regression model showed the significance of thernindependent over the dependent variables and thus analyzed as determinants of household foodrninsecurity in Sekota Woreda. Accordingly, sex of the household head, drought frequency,rnparticipation in humanitarian programming process, transparency of the programme tornbeneficiaries, timeline of the assistance, package of the assistance and linkage with developmentrnwere the significant variables in terms of affecting the household food insecurity status. The aboverntwo key findings were analyzed in the framework of rights-based approach and the results has foundrnthat the humanitarian assistance interventions that were carried out in the study for several decadesrnhave been operated without consideration of basic right based approach principles. In this regard,rnthe interventions did give little consideration to participation, transparency, accountability andrnempowerment principles in practice though the rhetoric is evident in the intervention planrndocuments. The study concluded with the recommendations that interventions in humanitarianrnassistance settings which aimed at adaptation to climate resilience of the affected community have torninvolve in all phases of humanitarian programming and outcome evaluations.

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Analysis Of Humanitarian Assistance Interventions In Droughtprone Areas Of Waghimra Zone Of Amhara Regional State From Rights-based Approach The Case Of Sekota Woreda