Practice Challenges And Opportunities Of Local Good Governance

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Good governance is widely recognized as a prerequisite for sustainable developmentrnparticularly for developing countries. Thus research made on good local governance has highrnlevel of significance towards promoting good governance. This study aims to identify thernpractices, challenges and opportunities of local good governance at local governmentrninstitutions at Bole sub city woreda 02 administration. The study employed qualitative researchrnmethodology and data was collected through in-depth interview, personal observation FGD,andrndocument review.rn As the research design is descriptive phenomenological the descriptive analysis made revealedrnthat there are exercises to promote the selected five attributes of good governance, howeverrnthere are several challenges confronted that are seriously hampering the progress of goodrngovernance. The result shows that there are good exercises in regard to the attribute ofrnparticipation and transparency is exercised in a good way but there are challenges ofrntransparency in activities or decisions which could be monetized if done illegally. While onrnaccountability, there is a practice of it but sometimes measurements taken are not partiallyrnenforced and not stiff to public employees. Rule of law is seriously hampered in specificrninstitutions such as social court and code enforcing offices lack quality human resource thatrndeals with laws and codes as well as there is notorious corruption in these institutions.rnRegarding responsiveness is being practiced but it is a poor level because the majority ofrninstitutions in the woreda lack human resource sometimes qualified personnel’s and lackrnadequate raw materials. Although regarding opportunities to promote good governance thernstudy shows that participation of higher education qualifies individuals on the public wing side,rnawareness creation program and capacity building regarding good governance as anrnopportunity to further accelerate the prevalence of good.rnThe researcher based upon the findings recommended measures and direction to be taken. Keyrnrecommendations imply that the woreda should create a more favorable environment for thernpublic and private sectors and local elites to flourish and stir their responsibilities. Thernresearcher also recommends that public discussion of transparency problem on media andrnmeeting with public officials as a remedy for transparency challenges

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Practice Challenges And Opportunities Of Local Good Governance