Comparative Study Of The Contribution Of Self Help Group (shg) Approach On Women Empowerment The Case Of Shgs Supported By Mission For Community Development Program (mcdp) In Addis Ababa

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The objective of this study was to investigate and compare the contributions of SHGs on womenrneconomic, social, and political empowerment before and after being their membership in thernSHGs, taking the case from the Mission for Community Development Program (MCDP) inrnAddis Ababa. A sample of 289 women members of SHG were taken for the study using simplernrandom sampling as the population was homogeneous. Their homogeneity is attributed tornsimilarities in gender, socio-economic background, and live in the same location. Both primaryrnand secondary data were used for this study. Primary data was collected by questionnaires andrnsemi-structured interviews. Secondary data was obtained from evaluation reports, websites, andrnother available sources. Qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis were used in thisrnstudy. The interview responses and the evaluation reports obtained from secondary data werernanalyzed qualitatively. Quantitative data collected was analyzed using SPSS version 25rnexpressed in frequencies and percentages and coded according to research objectives andrnpresented using tables and figures. According to the findings of the study, the economicrnempowerment of women was examined in terms of developing a culture of saving, access tornloans, income-generating activities, economic independence, and assets holding, andrnacquisitions of skills. All these are found to be the major contributions of SHG on women'srneconomic empowerment after being their membership as compared to before their enrolment inrnSHG membership and the majority (74.3%) of women's economic status has increased after theyrnjoin SHG as well. Concerning the political empowerment of women, a comparison was made tornsee the decision power of women on key assets, finance, and participation before and afterrnjoining SHG. In this case, it was found that the decision-making power of women on loans,rnsaving, and participation in meetings after joining SHG was found to be higher (95.5%) thanrnbefore being their membership. Concerning women's participation in social issues frequenciesrnof women's participation in social issues after being their membership are significantly higherrn(98.3%) than their participation before being their membership to SHG. In addition, SHGrnprogram supports were also correlated with economic empowerment, social empowerment, andrnpolitical empowerment. Accordingly, all economic, social, and political empowerment has arnpositive and significant relationship with the SHG program support.

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Comparative Study Of The Contribution Of Self Help Group (shg) Approach On Women Empowerment The Case Of Shgs Supported By Mission For Community Development Program (mcdp) In Addis Ababa