Determinants Of Knowledge Management Performance The Case Of Industry Parks

Regional And Local Development Studies Project Topics

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The study aims to identify the determinant affecting knowledge management performance in industrialrnparks. Both probability and non-probability sampling techniques were used to select Industry Parks,rnmanagers and employees in it. The data collection instruments for this study were both questionnairesrnand interview. Data collection instruments were developed based on the literature review and previouslyrnused standard questionnaires for both structured and unstructured type questions. A total number of 70rnitems having likert scale and 9 general type choice questions and 5 interview questions were used.rnRespondents were selected based on simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques and thernsample size determination formula was used to determine its numbers. Data was gathered throughrnstructured questionnaires from the 279 employees. in order to get the finding both quantitative andrnqualitative analysis were used. The findings of the descriptive and inferential analysis revealed thatrninformation technology, leadership support, organizational culture and knowledge process were the mainrndeterminants of knowledge management performance. Knowledge management performance is at therninitiate stage of maturity and there is a wide gap in implementing knowledge management activities.rnThus, this study recommends that the factories and the government should work on creating awarenessrnon the importance of knowledge management and the major findings in order to improve the knowledgernmanagement contribution for the parks effectiveness and efficiency.

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Determinants Of Knowledge Management Performance  The Case Of Industry Parks