Expectations And Challenges Of Ethiopian Migrants The Case Of Selected Returnees In Addis Ababa

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The study aimed to explore the major challenges and expectations of return migrants in Ethiopia withrnemphasis on returnees in the case of Addis Ababa City Administration. Period wise, the scope of the studyrncovers four years (2017 – 2020). The study also assessed the causes of migration and the reasons whyrnmigrants returned back to their home country. As an approach, the study used a mixed methods approach. Arnsurvey questionnaire was distributed to a total of 372 respondents and all of them were returned. For thernqualitative data, an in depth interview with returnee migrants and key informants interview with selectedrnofficials in relevant public institutions and international organization working on migration was used. Thernstudy covered all the ten sub-cities of the Addis Ababa City Administration. Experts at Bureau of Labor andrnSocial Affairs (BoLSA), Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)rnand Ethiopia Diaspora Agency participated as samples in the qualitative data collection. Furthermore, thernInternational Organization for Migration (IOM) also participated in the interview sessions. A total of 12rnpersons participated in the qualitative aspect of the data collection.rnResults and findings indicate that the major causes of migration in the City is lack of job opportunity due tornhigh rate of unemployment, lack of food security which relates to extreme poverty and housing problem inrnAddis Ababa City Administration. Returnee migrants have been facing the same challenges they were facingrnprior to their migration and they stated that there is no more improvement from the time they left their homerncountry in search of better life and opportunities for themselves and their family back home. The housing,rnfood and lack of job opportunity, and transportation problem in the city are also the major findings of thernresearch. The study found out that political unrest in the host country, lack of job opportunity and underrnpayment or low salary, unfavorable environment or hot climate in the host country, and the COVID -19rnpandemic are the main reasons why migrants returned back to their home county. It is recommended thatrnThe City Administration officials and other stakeholders should pay attention to the issue and addressrncauses of migration by creating more opportunities and a fair, accessible system. Returnee migrantsrncontinue to experience challenges of unemployment and poverty. To tackle these problems, the CityrnAdministration should facilitate and support the reintegration program in coordination and collaborationrnwith other stakeholders and the community.

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Expectations And Challenges Of Ethiopian Migrants The Case Of Selected Returnees In Addis Ababa