Irregular Migration From Habru District North Wollo To Middle East Northern Ethiopia

Regional And Local Development Studies Project Topics

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Now a days, irregular migration has become entire world concern, touching many countries and lives of multiple family.Ethiopia,a hub for outward and inward migration,is one of the major origin of migrants and the largest refugee hosting countries in Africa. Although Ethiopians have been migrating to different destinations,countries in the Middle East have been the prominent destinations for a significant number of irregular migrants. Thus,the overarching objective of this research is to assess the underlying socio- economic problems of irregular migration as well as aggravating factors and impacts of irregular migarationtherefore,irregularrmigration,hasattractedmuchattentionofexperts,academician,politician,researchers and policy makers. The overall purpose of this thesis was assessing the irregular migration from Amhara Regional State to the Middle East focusing on Habru District,North Wollo Zone.To conduct this study,the quantitative and qualitative approach of the research method were employed.A total of 123 respondents were selected and involved as sample respondents in the study.The study has used probability and non propablity sampling procedure specifically random and purposive sampling techniquein undertaking thisresearch.The collected data were analyzed by descriptive cross-sectional statistics such asfrequency count,percentage emean,standardviation andtestedthe confidenceinterval respectively.Primary data was collected from sampled households using structured questionnaire,and key informant interview.Secondary data was collected from published and unpublished documents.Data were analyzed using the“Statistical Package for the Social Sciences”(SPSS) version 24 software.The finding shows that relatives,peers,family, brokers and migrants themselves often involved in the decision making during illegal migration.Besides, personal,family,community characteristics and the expansion of sex industry,demand for labor, wishing a standard living were driving as well as pushing factors to illegal migration.furthere more,the illegal migration route attracted several migrants since it is less time taking,being cheap and does not require any legal document.The result of the study also indicated that due to unauthorized migration child school dropout,youth delinquency and crime aggravated conflict in and outside of the family and brings health problem to the migrants.On the basis of these findings,the study recommended that stakeholders working in maigration and Habru District Administration should come up with better regulation and preventive approach that address the root causes and negative consequence of illegal migration that affect the community through planning, monitoring and execution of programs that could best serve the interests of extreme vulnerable sections of society i.e.mostly the youths.The government,stakeholders and community has to work to tackle the routes and brokers of migration.

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Irregular Migration From Habru District North Wollo To Middle East Northern Ethiopia