Assessment And Modelling Of Driver Behaviour In Dilemma Zone Of Signalized Intersection

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Driving behaviour at signalized intersections is the main contributing factor to the operationalrnand safety level of road users. Improper decision of drivers when signal changes from greenrnto yellow might lead to right angle collision or rear end collision. This is mostly due to arndriver becomes indecisive whether to pass or stop at the intersection on the yellow onset,rnwhich is called dilemma zone. The main motive of the study is to investigate the factors thatrninfluence the driver behaviour in dilemma zone at signalized intersection. The output of thisrnstudy is used for transport planner, geometric designer and traffic management agency forrnevaluation of existing urban intersections and identifying factors which are used forrndecreasing accidents occurred at the intersection. rnFor this research matter, the data was collected at four signalized approaches by collectingrnfield data using video capturing technique in order to investigate the driver behaviour. Framernby frame manual extraction by using VLC media player resulted in a total of 397 driverrnresponses at the yellow onset. After manual extraction binary logistic regression model isrndeveloped by using SPSS 22.0 in order to represent the observed behaviour. The factorsrnwhich are found to be important in drivers stop/go decisions are distance from stop line,rnvehicle‟s approach speed and vehicle type. From 397 driver responses 41 of them which arern10.33% of driver responses at the yellow onset were red light runners. rnIn order to assess the driver‟s behaviour when they see yellow traffic lights, driver attitudinalrnsurvey was conducted. Based on the collected questionnaire data, 32.4% have been involvedrnin an accident at an intersection and 27.3% end up red light runners by sometimes try to catchrnthe yellow light. In addition based on the questionnaire data, factor analysis, was conducted.rnFactor analysis was done to form few factors from 14 original conditions that affect therndecision to cross or stop when the drivers see yellow light based on correlation between eachrnreason. Based on the result of analysis, 14 original conditions was grouped in to five fewrnfactors which are understandable and easy for interpretation. These are Emotion andrnunderstanding of the driver, Roadway and variable control condition, Comfort to drive,rnPresence of vehicle and police and Past experience of driver which were contributed tornexplained 59.56 % of variance.

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Assessment And Modelling Of Driver Behaviour In Dilemma Zone Of Signalized Intersection