Evaluation Of Vehicle Time Delay At Selected Signal Controlled Intersections In Addis Ababa

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There are two types of traffic facilities, interrupted and uninterrupted flow facilities. Therninterrupted flow facility incorporates fixed external interruptions in their design and operation.rnThe most frequent and operation only significant external interruption in interrupted flowrnfacility is a traffic signal. rnTraffic signals are one of the most effective and flexible active controls of traffic flow. Theyrnare widely used in several cities worldwide. The conflicts arising from movements of traffic inrndifferent directions are addressed by time-sharing principle. Besides, its controller unit isrneither pre-timed or actuated control. Pre-timed control consists of fixed sequence of phasesrndisplayed in a repetitive order. Actuated control consists of intervals that are called andrnextended in response to vehicle detectors. rnTraffic congestion is experienced in urban areas due to economic and social developments.rnAddis Ababa is one of the places with rapid economic development which exhibit a higherrnamount of traffic congestion problem at different intersections and the urban street of the road. rnVehicle delay is the most important parameter used by transportation professionals inrnevaluating the performance of a signalized intersection. rnIn this research, three pre-timed signalized intersections in Addis Ababa are selected based onrndata availability and discussion with Addis Ababa city administration transport bureau as theyrnexperience congestion. rn The objective of this paper is evaluating vehicle delay in Addis Ababa at selected Intersectionrnand evaluating selected intersection by sensitivity analysis using highway capacity manualrnand SIDRA intersection software. To achieve the objective of the research, the collection ofrnprimary and secondary data was conducted. The traffic volume data were collected fromrnAddis Ababa city administration transport bureau. The count was conducted for five days andrntwelve hours with a fifteen-minute interval of time. Data on geometric elements signal timings and phasing were measured through field survey and Google map. Peak hour volume is usedrnfor analysis after determining the peak hour of the intersections. rnAs per the analysis of results, all intersections are serving in poor condition of level of servicernF, vehicle per capacity ratio greater than one and the average delay experienced 126 sec forrnJacros, 431.4 sec for Lebu and 710.4 sec for imperial intersection. From sensitivity analysis,rnbase saturation has reduced delay by 29.53% at Lebu, 39.12% at Jacros and 26.87% forrnImperial intersection. Heavy vehicle restriction reduces delay by 46.05% at Lebu, 57.14% atrnJacros and 10.78 % at Imperial intersection in addition adding one through lanes reducesrndelay by 47.72% at Lebu, 68.01% at Jacros and 34.41% Imperial intersection as compared tornother parameters.

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Evaluation Of Vehicle Time Delay At Selected Signal Controlled Intersections In Addis Ababa