Clients Of Girl Child Prostitutes Realities From Some Selected Areas Of Addis Ababa

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Knowledge of the clients of prostitutes has long-been recognized as an important means torncombat against prostitution in many countries. In Ethiopia, to date, very little is knownrnabout the types of clients and their motives to go to prostitutes, in general and childrnprostitutes, in particular.rnThe present study was conceived to partially jit/jill this knowledge gap through anrnexploration of the nature of clients of child prostitutes. Three groups of informants havernbeen used to collect data for the study: girl-informants, procurer-informants, and clientinformants.rnIn addition, non-participatory observation has been made. This paperrnsummarized some of the empirical findings of the survey. Throughout, emphasis has beenrndirected towards providing insights into the nature and motives of clients of childrnprostitutes.rnThe analysis of the profile of clients showed that most clients are young and middle-agedrnmen, from all social and economic groups. Great variation is seen in terms of the motivesrnwhy clients go to child prostitutes. Clients are pushed and pulled by a lot of factors to go tornchild prostitutes. Based up on their reasons for going to child prostitutes seven typologiesrnof clients have been identified: virginity predators, exploitative perpetrators, opportunisticrnperpetrators, illusory egoist perpetrators. infirm perpetrators, sexual-aim rapists, andrnprotective perpetrators. The sex related practices of clients implied a trend of change fromrnpenetrative sexual intercourse to non-penetrative sexual outer course. The lenientrnenforcement of the law encourages clients to go to child prostitutes. These findings supportrnthe view that the preference for younger girls to commercial sexual services spread childrnprostitution.

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Clients Of Girl Child Prostitutes Realities From Some Selected Areas Of Addis Ababa