Socio-economic Assessment Of Non-member Female Headed Households In Multi-purpose Farmers Cooperatives The Case Of Machakil Woreda East Gojjam Administrative Zone Amhara National Regional State

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The study was conducted with the main objective of socio-economic assessment of non-memberrnfemale-headed households in multi-purpose farmer’s cooperatives in Machakil Woreda, ANRS.rnMachakil worda was selected purposively from ANRS East Gojjam Zone. Three multi-purposernfarmer’s cooperatives were selected from Machakil woreda, these are Amanuel Zuria, Embuli,rnand Yewula primary multi-purpose farmer’s cooperatives purposively. From the three multipurpose farmer’s cooperatives, 121 respondents were selected using a systematic samplingrnmethod. This means 32, 59, and 30 respondents from each sample multi-purpose farmers’rncooperative proportionally based on nonmember population of each kebele after establishingrnsample intervals using the systematic method for the survey, respectively. In addition to these 12rnkey informants were interviewed and 3 focus group discussions were conducted. The requiredrndata were collected using quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The collectedrnraw data were analyzed using the quantitative and qualitative method of data analysis andrndescriptive statistical tools were used. In the study socio-economic situation of non-member,rnfemale-headed households in multi-purpose farmer’s cooperatives were identified. The resultsrnshow non-member female-headed households live under social situations like heavy workloadrnand time constraints, economic situations like lack of capital and cultural situations like attituderntowards women were the basic socio-economic situations of nonmembers female headedrnhouseholds in MPFCs. The socio-economic situations were mainly due to lack of training andrnawareness creation to the nonmember female headed households about the benefits ofrnmultipurpose farmers cooperatives. However, MPFCs give equal opportunity to women and menrnand the economic and political situation is also supportive of cooperatives development butrnparticipation of female headed households are still very low. Thus, the study examines the socioeconomic situation of nonmembers of female headed households in multipurpose farme’srncooperaties of machakil woreda

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Socio-economic Assessment Of Non-member Female Headed Households In Multi-purpose Farmers Cooperatives The Case Of Machakil Woreda East Gojjam Administrative Zone Amhara National Regional State