Personality Types And Academic Achievement Motivation As Correlates Of College Academic Performance

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Different research outcomes indicate that noncognitive variables play importantrnroles in detemlining students success or failure in educational activities. The presentrnstudy aimed at the investigation of the effects of some of these noncognitive variablesrnon college academic performance of our students. More specifically, the purpose of thisrnstudy was to investigate the relationship between personality types, academicrnachievement motivation, status on admission and academic performance of collegernstudents. A separate and combined effect of each of the independent variable onrnacademic performance was scrntinized. Two hundred thirty nine second year diplomarnstudents of KCTE were selected randomly. Data on personality variables and academicrnachievement motivation were obtained from MPI and AAM Self-Report inventoryrnadministered to these subjects. Students' personal documents and academic recordsrnwere consulted in order to get data concerning status on admission and academicrnperformance. Data were analyzed using chi-square test of independence, analysis ofrn.......rnvariance, and stepwise regression analysis. The results of statistical analysis indicatedrnthat both personality dimensions (Introversion/Extraversion and Stability -Neuroticism)rnand personality types (stable introversion, stable extraversion, unstable introversion, andrnunstable extraversion) failed to have significant relationshop with CGPA of the subjects.rnAbove average academic achievement motivation is found to be a factor in academicrnsuccess. Status on admission is also found to affect academic excellence where thernnonregulars were found to be inferior in their academic performance and as well as inrntheir academic achievement motivation. Taken as a whole personality types, academicrnachievement motivation, and status on admission are found to have significantrnrelationship with first year CGPA of the subj ects. Since the result of this study signalsrnto the educationalists as to the importance of noncognitive variables, further researchrnaimed at investigating the importance of noncognitive variables in the process ofrneducation is recommended.

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Personality Types And Academic Achievement Motivation As Correlates Of College Academic Performance