Causal Attributions Of Parents Pupils And Teachers Regarding Pupils Academic Outcomes (the Case Of Arbaminch Compo Sec. School)

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The present study investigates the causal attributions of Arbaminch ComprehensivernSecondary School pupils, parents and teachers regarding pupils success and failure,rnfuture academic outcome expectancy, and success and fa ilure against pupils gender.rnCausal Attribution Scale and Future Academic Outcome Expectancy Scale werernadministered to: one , a random sample of 107 pupils from grade 10th and 11 th (58rnmales and 49 females), two, 107 parents, and three, 12 teachers.rnThe result of t-tests and analysis of variance indicated that parents attributed pupils'rnsuccess to themselves and to pupils. Pupil s attributed their success to the teacher andrnthemselves, and teachers attributed pupils' success to themselves and to pupils. Inrnfai lure situation, parents tended to blame teachers and themselves, pupils tended tornblame external causes, and teachers tended to blame pupi ls and parents. Statisticallyrnsignificant difference was not obtained between male and female pupils in theirrnattribution of success and failure. The t1u'ee groups of attributers significantly di ffer inrntheir expectation of pupils' future performance. Hence, parents showed high futurernsuccess expectancy than pupils and teachers. Furthermore, a significant difference wasrnobtained among the three groups in their attribution of success and fa ilure againstrnpupils gender. However, gender by itself did not appear as a source of variationrnthroughout the study.rnIt was concluded that there was attributional difference between the attributers in theirrncausal explanation of pupils' success and fa ilure, future academic outcomernexpectancy, and success and fa ilure against pupi ls gender. However, the attributionalrndi fference was not due to the gender di fference but due to other variables whichrninfl uence their attribution.

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Causal Attributions Of Parents Pupils And Teachers Regarding Pupils Academic Outcomes (the Case Of Arbaminch Compo Sec. School)