Perceived Organizational Justice Fair Interpersonal Treatment And Their Relationship With Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Teachers And Administration Staff In Leilt Zenebework Preparatory And Elementary School

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Organizational citizenship behavior is becoming a very important focus of many organizations rnwho aspire to be successful. This study was set with the objective of examining the relationship rnof organizational citizenship behavior with perceived organizational justice and fairness of rninterpersonal treatment. It also investigated whether organizational justice and employees’ rnperception of fairness can predict organizational citizenship behavior. Simple random sampling rntechnique was used to select 120 participants from Leilt Zenebework Preparatory and rnElementary school. This study used the descriptive Correlational Research design. rnOrganizational justice Scale of Niehoff & Moorrman (1993), Organizational citizenshiprnbehavior scale by Fox et al.(2012) and Perceived fairness of interpersonal treatment scale by rnDonovan et al.(1998)) were used to collect data from participants. Data was analyzed by rnPearson product moment correlation, Multiple Regression, Independent samples t-test and one rnway ANOVA. The results of this study show that Organizational citizenship behavior has a weak rnbut positive correlation with distributive and interactional justice but procedural justice had no rnsignificant correlation with organizational citizenship behavior. Perceived fairness of treatment rnby supervisors also showed a significant small correlation with organizational Citizenship rnBehavior. Other results reveal that distributive justice, interactional justice and Perceived fair rntreatment by supervisors predict organizational citizenship behaviors. The results of this study rnimply that Perceptions of distributive Justice had more contribution towards organizational rncitizenship behaviors in the school than the interpersonal aspect of Perceptions of organizational rnjustice. Moreover, in the school, levels of organizational citizenship and Organizational Justice rnare high but a perception of fair interpersonal treatment is low.

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Perceived Organizational Justice Fair Interpersonal Treatment And  Their Relationship With Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among  Teachers And Administration Staff In Leilt Zenebework Preparatory And  Elementary School