Perceived Stress And Coping Styles Among Healthcare Workers During The Time Of Covid-19 Arerti Town North Shoa Zone

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Coronavirus disease-2019 has been a global concern for the past one and half year rnand still is expected to continue for the coming years. Health professionals, while rncompared with the general public are influenced by it and have a higher risk of rnacquiring the disease. It has been witnessed that there were interventions tried by rnstakeholders to alleviate its consequence on health professionals but the most rnimportant one is to understand how individuals are coping with the stress and rnworking to improve coping outcome. So, the aim of this study is to assess the level of rnperceived stress and coping styles used to overcome the stress among health workers rnduring COVID-19 in Arerti town health facilities. The study used cross-sectional rnsurvey design. Questionnaire was collected from all 216 health workers who were at rntheir work during data collection time by using a Brief COPE and Perceived Stress rnscale-10. Analysis of the data includes descriptive statistics, bivariate and rnmultivariable logistic regression. The result showed that that the mean age was 28.6 rn± 5.09 SD, of them 102 (47.2%) are females. The prevalence of perceived stress rnrelated to COVID-19 among health workers was 45.8% while the widely used coping rnstyles were religious coping and acceptance. Regression analysis showed factors such rnas gender, work experience, humor, venting, behavioral disengagement and self blame were having association with perceived stress. Based on this result the rnresearcher can conclude that being female and having longer years of work rnexperience will make individuals more likely develop higher level of stress. In rnaddition to that, inclination to use more of humor, venting, behavioral disengagement, rnand self-blame coping will likely make one experience high level of stress among rnhealth workers in Arerti town health facilities.

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Perceived Stress And Coping Styles Among Healthcare Workers During  The Time Of Covid-19 Arerti Town North Shoa Zone