Perceived Level Of Social Accountability And Knowledge Of Healthcare Workers The Case Of Yeka Sub-city Of Addis Ababa

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This study attempted to examine perceived level of social accountability and knowledgernof healthcare workers in selected health facilities. It also assesses if the perceived level of rnsocial accountability varies by socio- demographic characteristics and identify the rnfactors that affect the perceived level of social accountability of healthcare workers. A rnmix of qualitative and quantitative survey design was used in the study. A combination of rnqualitative and quantitative data gathered through semi-structured questionnaires and rninterviews as a primary source of information for the study. A sample of 212 healthcare rnworkers (59 males and 153 females) was employed as data sources. Quantitative data rnwere collected using self-constructed Likert type rating scale to measure perceived level rnof social accountability. Key informant interview was also conducted with the facility rnmedical directors to explore factors influencing social accountability. The data that were rngathered through the questionnaires was analyzed and interpreted using descriptive rnstatistics like frequency, percentage and mean and was described using tables. Arncorrelation was also worked out if there are any significant relationship between rnperceived knowledge factor with overall perception of social accountability and the data rnfurther examined for difference between perceived level of social accountability with rnsocio demographic characteristics using ANOVA. The qualitative data was summarized rnin relation to the study questions were presented thematically and discussed in relation to rnthe secondary data of the study. Moreover, the data was triangulated with the rnquantitative method and presented in line with the research basic questions. Findings rnindicated that there is a high level of perceived social accountability. Findings also rnindicated that demographic factors including age and year of service of health care rnworkers have statistically significant difference with their perception of social rnaccountability. It was also shown that there is high level of perceived knowledge among rnthe health care workers which is significantly associated with perceived social rnaccountability. However, there was a clearly indicated gap in health delivery activities in rnrelation to accepting criticism towards health care workers. Recommendations were rnforward as to how to further promote social accountability among healthcare workers.

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Perceived Level Of Social Accountability And Knowledge  Of Healthcare Workers The Case Of Yeka Sub-city Of  Addis Ababa