Coping Strategies And Caring Styles Of Parents Of Children With Mental Retardation (the Case Of Four Parents)

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The purpose of this study was generally to identify the condition of parental coping strategyrnand caring styles toward their children with MR. Specificall y, it trie to identi fy and de cribernparental coping strategies and caring styles toward the di sabling condition of their child withrnMR and parenting that child with the objective of developing the cognitive quality of theirrnretarded children, respectively. Information! data about the four cases of the parents and theirrncoping and caring condition is collected mainly from mothers of the children with MR.rnthrough interview and informal home observation methods. Two of the four cases of thernparents (Case 1 &4) had been out of Addis Ababa and were not getting educational servicesrnfor their children with MR during the past years though currently they are in the verge ofrngetting educational service at Kokebe Tsebah primary School, Addis Ababa, like the otherrntwo cases-l &3 . A qualitative research design and analysis was appl ied to respond for thernstatement of the problem, or the major research question of this study. SO, the findings of thisrnstudy is presented and analyzed accordingly. Parental coping resources types (e.g.rnpersonality type or self esteem of the parents and other characteristics of the parents, theirrndisabled child and his/her disability) and other family factors (e .g. their interaction &rnfunctional system and their attitude toward MR) and life experience of the parents withrnprofessionals are a mediating factor of coping strategies toward disability and caring thernchildren with MR. For example, interview report in this study revealed that only one motherrnof a female child with mild level of MR is currently more able to cope up positively with therndisability and behaviour problems of her child than ever before by consulting professionalsrnregarding the problems of her di sabled child. So, this mother is not always practicing physicalrnpunishment against her disabled child as in the past though she practices it now rarel y. Thernother child with moderate MR is still punished by her sister so that the child's mother isrnalways complaining about such a wrong action of the child's sister that made the child'srnmother unable to cope up with it. Even though all parents try to teach their children with MRrnat home, they are not as expected as to teach frequently their own retarded child at home andrnto create a favorable environment to satisfy the educational needs of their retarded child atrnhome. The degree of direct involvement of the parents and other family members in teachingrntheir disabled children seems to vary according to the educational status of each cases of thernparents and the existence of sisters or brothers of a disabl ed child who can take the responsibility of teaching and caring their di abl ed child at hom . In add ition to thi , allrnparents of the children with MR are not using enough teaching and play mat ri al and arernpracticing the teaching process at home info rmally without r ce iving profe ional ervice orrnsupervision during the invo lvement of the parents in cari ng and teaching their retardedrnchildren at home. Physical puni shment, not reinforcement, for the behavior probl em andrnwrong acts of the children with MR in the proce s of carin g and teaching th e child is morernusually practiced against the female children with MR than against the male children withrnMR .. Parents of male children with MR have also wish to send their children for in stitutionalrncare-which is the reflection of maladaptive coping strategy and being unab le to care tho ernchildren at home, properly. Since these physically abused children with MR are not perfect tornreceive all the instructions told by their caretakers or their fa mily members, it was reportedrnthat mother of the female child with mild MR and sister of the female child with moderaternlevel of MR. had practiced physical punishment against those female disabled children atrnleast once in a week in the past. Therefore, all parents of the children with MR (except Casern1) are not able to cope up positively with the disabling conditions of their children and to carerntheir children with MR properly and in teaching style.

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Coping Strategies And Caring Styles Of Parents Of Children With Mental Retardation (the Case Of Four Parents)