Correlates Of Ethiopian University Students Political Attitude The Role Of Social Media Use Family Interaction And Big Five Personality Traits

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The political attitude of university students‟ was not adequately investigated in the Ethiopian rncontext. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of family interaction, social media rnusage, and big five personality traits on university students‟ political attitude. Data wererncollected from 534 randomly selected students from Addis Ababa University, Jimma University rnand Mizan Tepi University through questionnaire. In addition to quantitative data, focus group rndiscussions were held in two places: Jimma University and Mizan Tepi University main rncampuses. The reliability and validity of the instruments were found to be acceptable. The factor rnanalysis run for validation of instruments also revealed that majority of the items were valid and rnusable for the constructs they intended to measure. Measure of relationship, structural equation rnmodeling (SEM) and MANOVA were employed in analyzing quantitative data. Qualitative data rnwere analyzed using thematic deductive analysis where themes were identified from reflections rnof the participants‟ on FGDs. Result revealed that 44% of the variance in political attitude of rnuniversity students was explained by family interaction, social media use and personality traitsrnjointly. Family interaction alone contributed about 26% followed by social media usage that rncontributed 23% of the variance in political attitude. Big five traits contributed only 8% of the rnvariance in political attitude. When other variables are controlled, openness trait was found to be rnthe highest predictor of political attitude from big five personality traits. There were statistically rnsignificant differences between respondents who have party affiliation and those who do not rnhave with respect to family member interactions (F (1,332) = 8.822, P

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Correlates Of Ethiopian University Students Political Attitude The Role Of Social  Media Use Family Interaction And Big Five Personality Traits