Urban Productive Safety Net Program Its Impacts On Food Security And Job Creation The Case Of Woreda 4 Lideta Sub-city.

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This study examines the impact of Urban Productive Safety Net Program (UPSNP) on beneficiaries’ livelihood and food security in Worda 4, Llideta sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The study focused on livelihood activity improvements/job created for beneficiaries’, improvement on their food insecurity status and how UPSNP contributed to the beneficiaries’ fight against Cvid-19. A cross sectional research design and mixed research method of quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments are used: household survey and key informant interview. A total of 185 sampled household heads were selected through proportionate non probability sampling method from public work and direct support beneficiaries. Though safety net programs are relatively new to urban areas and the complexity of urban poverty makes it difficult to pull out the urban poor out of poverty in such short period with this limited amount of transfer, UPSNP has brought positive improvements on the recipient households’ livelihood and food security through monthly cash transfer and livelihood improvement. The result showed that 62.8% of the beneficiaries had got livelihood improvement services including the saving experiences and different vocational trainings before graduating from UPSNP. However only short listed beneficiaries had started working in the field they are trained by changing their livelihood activity, the majority 68.2 % haven’t changed their household livelihood activity. In terms of their food security status 23%, 51% and 19.5% of the recipients were respectively severely food insecure, moderately food insecure and mildly food insecure. However, the program has managed to bring positive improvement on children’s food consumption and adults using the cash transfer for food. The result also showed UPSNP impacts are more positive for Public work beneficiaries compared to direct support beneficiaries. Finally, 88.1% of the respondents had confronted the socio economic crisis created by covid-19 and the contribution of UPSNP to their struggle to overcome from this socio economic crisis was not helpful to 87% beneficiaries. It is recommended that the amount of cash transfer should be adjusted based on the current market price of food. Food Security and Urban Job Creation Agency should work together with enterprise development and job creation agency to successfully support beneficiaries in becoming successful in the new business activities.rnKey words: UPSNP, livelihood activities, food security/insecurity, beneficiaries, Covid-19.

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Urban Productive Safety Net Program Its Impacts On Food Security And Job Creation The Case Of Woreda 4 Lideta Sub-city.