The goal of this study is to present an ethnographic examination of rnentrepreneurial behavior a nd characteristics of the women in Kambatta. rnFour research questions a re crucial and centra l in this research. These rna re how culture affects women entrepren eurs hip?, what a re the SOCIO cu ltura l enabling environment for wome n entrepre neurship?, what rnch a racteristics of entrepreneurs hip do Ka mba tta women have? And a re rnunma rried women more entrepren euri a l th a n ma rri ed women In rnKamba tta society? rnThis research in Kambatta is conducted betwee n Febura ry-May, 2006 in rnDura me a pplying diffe rent e thnographic d a ta collection me thodologies rnsu ch as interviews, surveys, pa rti cipa n t obse rvation a nd case studies. rnS v n case studie wer selected a nd 30 u rvey questionnaires were rndistribut d to wome n nlrepre neurs selec ted ra ndomly in Dura me town. rnFindings with regard to th e a bove three questions a re conclusive. rnEna bling factors for women entrepren eurs hip a re associa ted with the rncombination of cu ltura l a nd structura l issues. In Ka mba tta society rnch a nging attitude toward s business wome n is clearly seen a nd there a re rna lso policy environments a nd NGO a dvocacy on women's rights created rnpositive image towa rds women 's initiatives. Not so ma ny women in rnKambatta could com e out to business due to more structural constraints rnexisting in the soc iety . However, th ere are still structured tra dition a l rnva lue systems in Ka mbata that hamper wo men 's independent life, rnbusiness endeavo rs a nd choice . rnConcerning th e fourth question, the fi ndings a re less conc lu sive. The rnfinding s h ows th al th e question wheth e r unmarri ed women are more rnentrepren euria l lhan marri ed cannot be proved and diffi cult to rngen era lize. In conc lusion, lhe ethnographi findings of the research a re rnclearly sh own in co rporating theoreti cal discu ssions a nd debates