The Effects Of Urban Displacement In Addis Ababa The Case Of Displacees In Gurara.

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The capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, has been undergoing different physical and socialrnchanges for a long time. It seems that the city is entertaining urban expansion andrndevelopment in its full swing. While acknowledging the positive changes introduced, thernstudy investigates the unprecedented effects of the displacement process on the lives ofrnmany affec ted people by the urban development initiative. The assessment of the effectsrnis made through qualitative and quantitative research methods. The study reveals that thernprocess of di spl acement lacked genuine participation on the part of the affected peoplern(sett lers and hosts). The verdict of evidences also indicates that what ensued after thernrelocation process was not an improvement in the life condition of the displaced people.rnOn the contrary, it was a sharp decline in income, declined access to social services andrninfras tru ctural fac iliti es, loss of soc ial ties, and other series of negative effects. The studyrnmade use of the Thayer Scudder stage and stress model and the Impoverishment Risksrnand Reconstruct ion Model of Michael Cemea. While the fom1er model is used to assessrnthe early adaptation stresses experienced by the displaced people, the later is used tornex plain the impoveri shment risk s encountered by the affected people.

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The Effects Of Urban Displacement In Addis Ababa The Case Of Displacees In Gurara.