The Influence Of The Market Labour Production Practices And Land Rentals In Gondino Village Adaa Eastern Shewa

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Godino, located 12 Ian in the north east of Bishoftu town in Ada 'a Woreda of rneastern Shewa, has been a witness to changes and contm' u'ty f I h . I rnI 0 ox-p oug agncu ture . rnChanges have been induced both from external Sources (state interventions as well as rnurban and market influence) and internal factors (population pressure the horticultural rnenterprise of Ts'ahafi TIIzaz and competition of farmers) . rnLike other parts of Ada 'a, Godino agriculture has adapted to the intensification rnof labour, crop-livestock integration and specialization in cash crops (mainly t'ef, rnwheat, Sugar cane, and onions) in the 20th century. The horticultural enterprise of rnTs' ahafi TIIzaz introduced wage labour, founded crowded settlements, promoted social rnservices, consolidated political control, and resulted in a specialisation in cash crops rn(notably sugar cane). Households had different levels and requirement of labour for rnagricultural tasks. Despite encroachment of hired labour from irrigated on rainfed rnagriculture even before the revolution, cooperative labour was utilized in bigger sizes rnand frequency. rnAfter the revolution, wage labourers dominated tenants in the competition for rnexclusively utilizing irrigated fields through their association which was favoured by rncollectivization of the darg regime. During this period , differentiation took on new rnfo rms based on oxen ownership, availability of labour and cash resulting in the coining rnthe word taramaj for successful farmers. The earlier processes of crowded settlement, rnspecialization in cash crops and crop-livestock integration have been further intensified. rnDuring the mixed economy policy of the darg, commercialization of farm land rncommenced with the introduction of new land rentals. The significance of large-sized rncooperative labour was drastically reduced after the 1975 land reform. Following the rnpredominance of cash-oriented production, hired labour gained prominence over rncooperatl. ve a I b our, w hich , although it has been sustained to the present time , has been rnmuch reduced in scale.

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The Influence Of The Market Labour Production  Practices And Land Rentals In Gondino Village  Adaa Eastern Shewa